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****Grace's POV****

The next week we both travelled to Sussex for my cousin's wedding which Dom said he would come with me for. We spent the week in Manchester after the wedding and Dom did a couple of appearances, whereas I spent the time in his house doing work.

We spent the day in the car so I arrived only wearing my running leggings and a sports jacket.

"This place is just so beautiful." Dom said as we stepped out of the car at the house my mum and dad had rented out for us all. "I think I'd like to get married in the countryside."

"Yeah I wouldn't like it in the middle of Manchester." I told him. "Are you ready to go and see my family?"

"I'm so nervous now. My hands are literally shaking."

"I would be as well." Dom gave me the dirtiest look ever. "Joking. My mum will be fine with everything and so will dad once he gets to know you. My brothers will be fine once you explain what's happened."

"That's the thing. What if your dad doesn't approve? Will all this have to stop, because I've been enjoying myself so much over the past couple of weeks."

"So have I and hopefully it won't come to that so don't worry about you."


We made our way inside after collecting our bags and found the room we were meant to be staying in. I looked out of the window to find a view stretching acres and the sea was right in our view, along with the tumbling fields all across our line of sight. I heard the door go downstairs and instructed Dom to follow me to the kitchen.

"Hi guys." I said as I made my way in and found the boys with mum and dad, all sprawled out across the floor. "What have you been doing?"

"Your mum decided to go on a walk but wanted to go across the hills on that side of the house." Dad explained. "Let's just say there was no easy route back."

"Glad I didn't come with you then. Anyway guys you've already met Dom, Dom you've already met my family but I thought I would introduce you."

"I think we should leave the boys to have a chat." Mum said and grabbed my hand. "Come on let's go and call your grandma."

"Why did you do that?!" I asked once we got to the living room. "Dom was so nervous to speak to them."

"Things would have been awkward until they spoke so I thought let's speed up the process."

"What if they all come across too strong?"

"Then he isn't the one babe. If he can show to the boys that's he's invested in you and he wants to be with you then he shouldn't feel intimidated. If he does then he isn't worth it."

****3rd Person****

The boys all day around the kitchen island together, with Ben and Tom on one side, leaving Dom and Grace's dad on the other.

"So what's your intentions with Grace now you're back together?" Tom asked.

"I'm hoping that we can stick together through everything and even though it may sound cheesy I want her to be the one. She's everything I look for in a woman and I will do everything in my power to keep being there for her."

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