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****Grace's POV****

After the show had ended we got a little time to change before we had to go to the club. I was in my dressing room with Danielle and Chyna, who left after the casa amor vote. Before they left we were quite good friends and I haven't seen them since they left.

"So are you planning on speaking to Jess?" Danielle asked.

"Yeah." I told her. "I can't keep putting it off and this way she may just stop speaking bad about me in interviews. The more time I leave it the more awake are its going to be."

"When are you going to do it? You might not be able I really speak to each other in the middle of the club."

"That's a good point. Maybe I'll just do it before we all leave. I need everyone to hear it because I want this all to be over with and if the cameras catch it then everyone will know I did apologise."

"Should we go and get everyone?" Chyna asked.

"Yeah that would be great. Just tell them to meet us in the big entrance before we leave."


The time came for us to leave and I can honestly say I was shaking with nerves to speak to Jess. I know that I've don't nothing wrong but she could really come at me in this. I got changed into a navy blue lace dress with some gold jewellery on top before I made my way out.

I could see that most people were already there and they all turned towards me when I came in.

"So are we all ready to go?" Chris asked.

"You lot can go, I was just hoping to catch a word with Jess." I told them. "Go and I'll meet you inside."

"I'll wait outside for you." Dom said as he walked past me. "Call for me if she starts kicking off at you."

"Not that's it's needed but thank you. I'm sure we can just have a civilised conversation."

Oh how wrong could I be.


Once everyone had made their way out I made my way over to Jess, who had situated herself next to the bar. I ordered myself a glass of prosecco before sitting down.

"So let's not mess around." I started. "We need to talk about Dom because you seem to have a real problem with me."

"Is it not obvious that I should have a problem with you? You stole my man." She shouted in my face.

"Don't shout in my face. Firstly I didn't steal him from you because he's not your object. Secondly you two never made it official and we were never friends so why would I go there."

"You're the reason girls are insecure around their guys. Girls like you make me sick because you don't care for all the other girls."

"What would you want me to do differently then?" I questioned. "I really didn't want things to develop in that way but I didn't have a choice."

"Maybe you should have just kept your hands to yourself. I don't know what Dom sees in you and I will make him mine again."

"You don't know what he would see in me? What would he like about you? Whilst we were still in the villa you was giving interviews and making me seem like the bad guy."

"At least I have a conscience still. You don't care about anyone but yourself. I bet you came in this place for fame because you're a selfish cow... "

"Stop right there." I heard behind me and I saw Chris and Dom stood by the bar. "Don't you dare say that about her."

"Why we all know it's the truth Dom. In a few weeks she's going to show you that side and I'll be there waiting."

"Do you know how desperate you sound right now?" I questioned.

"That's it." She shouted a launched herself on me. I could feel her hands tugging on my hair and her nails digging into my skin.

"Get off her." Chris shouted and pried me from her grip. "Don't you dare lay a hand on her again."

"Come on babe. Let's go and join the rest of them." Dom said an wrapped his arms around me.

We left the studio with Chris and grabbed the first taxi in site to the club. They both kept their arms around me as I straightened up my hair and made sure my make up was still perfect.

"You alright?" Chris asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Everyone can see now the horrible person she is and nobody can say that I didn't try with her. I apologised and she just didn't want to know."

"Don't worry about her now. She can't come between us anymore."


We made our way into the club and the whole room was decorated with balloons with our faces on it and banners dotted on the walls. I found Montana, Liv and Camilla in one of the booths.

"How did it go then?" Liv asked.

"Well it ended with my hair being pulled it but I don't want to talk about it anymore." I told them. "Let's just have a good night. We don't know when we're going to see each other again."

"I feel like I'm going to get really drunk tonight because I haven't had a big drink in ages." Liv said.

"I know. I felt like that at the family party I had the other day." I told her.

"Here's to Love Island 2017 girls." Montana said and we all raised our glasses to cheer. "You've all been amazing.

****Author's Note****

I hope you like this chapter. I don't quite know where I want this story to go and I want your opinion on whether Dom and Grace should stay together. If you don't want them to then I need a new love interest and a reason for them breaking up.

Vote and comment any suggestions.


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