Lets Talk

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****Grace's POV****

I woke to the next day and my head was banging. I looked around and found that I was alone in the hotel room that I'd paid for last night. I can remember booking it just before we went into the club because I didn't want to go home in a state. My clothes were scattered around the floor and I looked down to find that I had not clothes on. Thankfully there was no one in the bed with me so nothing happened.

I grabbed my phone on the side to find the time and found that I had tonnes of notifications. I opened my mum's message first and deleted all the Instagram notifications.

Mum: Ring me back when you get this. What did you do that for?

"Do what for?" I whispered and decided that I wasn't ready to ring her back and checked my Instagram. I found that all my posts had blew up and the comments had almost tripled overnight. "Has someone died?"

I looked on the layaway of my posts and found that everyone was referring to some kiss that happened. I was so confused and decided to search my name online and see what came up.

"No no no." I muttered when I found the first article from the Daily Mail and opened it.

SHOCKING PICTURES: Have two Love Island stars found love after leaving the villa?

Shocking Pictures have been released this morning of Grace Campbell and Chris Hughes kissing in a night club on Friday Night.

Grace only recently had a messy break up with Dom and it appears from this that Chris has also split with his girlfriend Olivia. The two were the best of friends in the villa but now it appears they are much more.

Eye witnesses have claimed that the two were very 'drunk' and Chris was the one who made the move on the blond. After that they were 'all over each other' and left the club together hand in hand to an awaiting car.

I skimmed through the rest of the article and found that more pictures were attached of us holding hands and dancing together in the club. How could this have happened?

Olivia? What is she going to think of this? It's alright for me, I have no boyfriend but Chris did and I was meant to be her friend. I found no messages from her on the phone so I set on her Instagram account to find she had posted one photo since last night.

@oliviaattwood: Just shows that you never truly know who your real friends are 🐍🐍

What have I done?


I got changed back into the dress I was wearing yesterday, even though it wasn't very appropriate. I quickly took off all the make up that was still on my face after last night and made a move. I didn't really want to see Chris so I made my way straight out of the hotel only to be met with a big crowd of paps.

"Grace what happened with you and Chris?" One shouted.

"Have you seen Olivia's post? Do you plan on speaking to her?"

I made my way to my car and shut the doors immediately, which caused them to keep barging on the doors. I put the car in reverse and immediately turned out of the hotel.

I didn't know where to go? I had my house but that was too empty for my liking right now. I need to fix all this but I don't really know how to do it. There was one man that was really effected by all this though and decided to head over to his head and talk all this through with him. Whatever I thought of him before he didn't deserve this and I knew that."

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