There was silence through the office, not a single movement until I heard Sarah giggle and sniff gently like Louis had done something to make her giggle. I saw through the crack of the door as he wiped a stray tear that fell down her face. As they stared into each other's souls, I could almost vomit. "Will we get through this, Louis? You reminded me that you're getting married in four days."

"Hey," he said quietly whilst his hands were cupping her cheeks, making her look into his eyes. "We will get through this, we have too. We can't give up now," he said as he took one hand and rested it on her stomach, staring at her with a smile on his face. "We have this little one to care for when it finally enters the world."

I almost choked on my spit. 

Louis did cheat on Brooke, but with her? How could he do that to her? And get Sarah pregnant? What was she playing at? She knew he was marrying "the love of his life" in four days, but if she's pregnant now, when did he cheat on Brooke with her? My head was spinning so much right now, I couldn't let them know I'm listening in. I couldn't.

But I also couldn't keep this a secret.

Could I?

I quickly moved from outside of his office and into my own, breathing heavily at what I had just overheard. I had to put it at the back of my mind at the moment, what I needed to focus on was going over what Sarah had done to the schedule and how come there are a few meetings at the same time. I had to sort it out before New Years.

Sarah walked past my office smiling like she was happy with the outcome. Not long after she had left, Louis knocked on my office door and opened it, smiling tiredly at me. "Good evening," I greeted him as I almost choked on my breath whilst saying it. I couldn't look at him the same anymore, not now that I know what he's done.

"Good evening, sorry it's taken me so long, had a meeting and then Sarah and I had to discuss some work things," he lied through his teeth and I could feel the air shift from awkward to tense. "Shall we?" He asked, whilst pointing to his office and I didn't really want to set foot in his office, now that I know what could've happened in there, but did anyway. I didn't want to lose my job, not now, not ever.

I got up from my desk and walked in front of him as he held both doors – my office door and his. I strolled over to the chair in front of his desk before I sat down, gently putting the planner on his desk. He sighed before he sat down, his attention on me. "So, um," I started as I cleared my throat. "I overlooked the planner and seen a few mistakes. Sarah seems to have double booked a few meetings and a few times are a bit obscure, especially around New Year's."

The office fell silent as he grabbed the planner, overlooking where I had put little post-it notes for him to look at. He hummed a little bit, reading where she has accidentally double booked. "Ah, I see what she's done wrong," he finally said after the silence. "So the two Wednesday appointments for twelve, the luncheon I can give a miss too, keep the other appointment at the same time. I can't do any meetings on Saturday because of the wedding, so maybe make it for Monday instead? Brooke and I's honeymoon isn't until the following Saturday, so I'll catch up any meetings that can be moved."

"Noted," I said quietly before I grabbed the planner back and did what he asked of me. But he also didn't talk about one of the meetings which seem to be at the same time as something else. "Um, what about this one?" I asked, pointing to the one that was tomorrow, around two in the afternoon.

"Cancel it," he said smoothly, without a second thought.

"Are you sure? It's a meeting with one of the investors. It seems important, there are circles and a big explanation mark on it," I asked just to be sure. What could be more important than an investor meeting with one of the investors? "It looks pretty important."

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