40\\Flowers and Filthy Looks

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The day I had with Brooke yesterday was surely a great day. I enjoyed myself, spending time with her was the highlight of my day. I couldn't believe how close their wedding is and how close it is to having her hen's night. I have no idea what I'm going to plan for her hen's night, I'm the worst maid of honour that there is. I have tried to think of some of the things Brooke loves but nothing shouts "hen's night".

Which frustrates me.

I want the hen's night to be one to remember, but it won't be if I can't think of something great for us to do.

It was now the morning of Harry's planned outing to go Ice Skating. I don't know what time he's going to be picking me up since he didn't call me but he texted me a few minutes ago saying that he's still on for our planned outing, which brought comfort. I hadn't heard from him since yesterday morning and I was really starting to worry.

I thought he might've got busy and we couldn't go anymore. I wouldn't have minded but I also would've been disappointed too. It was his idea to go ice skating and I've been set on the idea since yesterday. It would be nice to be able to spend the day with him, being goofy. I really hope he's in a good mood like he was yesterday morning.

I had a quick shower since it was still early in the morning which woke me up that little bit more. I got dressed in my outfit and applied my usual make-up, spending a few minutes in the bathroom perfecting it. I walked out, being greeted by Niall who was sitting at the table with a bowl of cereal and orange juice, on his phone. "Good morning stranger," I greeted him to which he almost choked on his mouthful of cereal.

He was coughing a bit when I sat down across from him at the table. He narrowed his eyes at me when I looked at him, to which he just let out his laugh; which ultimately made me laugh along too. "Sorry I've been such a stranger, Claudia's been going a bit..... Weird lately," he told me to which I nodded, grabbing myself some cereal. "I can't explain it. She's all of a sudden paranoid that I'm cheating on her."

"What's given her that idea?"

Niall shrugs his shoulders whilst taking a spoonful of cereal. I nodded, not wanting to push any further. "I have no idea," he said which made me feel a little sad for him. He was so invested in Claudia and now she's all of sudden paranoid he's doing the dirty behind her back? I wonder what's given her that idea. "But if she continues, I'm afraid I'm going to have to let her go, Pheebs."

I nodded again, agreeing with him. Sure, he may love her but if she's going to act like every time he's not with her is when he's out cheating on her, then what kind of relationship is that based on? Also, Niall leaves New York in a few weeks so what's going to happen when he's in a different country, will she accuse him of it then? "I know, Niall. But you have to do what you have to do, you don't want to be worrying about her when you leave New York if she keeps accusing you of that."

"Yeah, you're right," he agreed, finishing off his cereal with a few more spoonfuls. He sighed, pushing away his bowl. "I really liked her, Pheebs. I thought she was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever gone out with and now look what's happened."

"I'm sorry Niall, you don't deserve anyone like that. You deserve someone who's going to treat you the way you treat them, love you like you love them and someone who's not going to do what Claudia's doing."

"You mean someone like you?"

I choked a bit on my cereal but regained myself quickly. I burst into laughter as Niall did too, knowing damn well he doesn't mean me. Sure, he might've liked me in high-school but now he's onto bigger and brighter things, more than what I'm doing right now anyway. "In your dreams, Horan."

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