54\\ Work Shenanigans*

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(* there are some small sexual material in the second half of this, just a warning in case you don't like that sort of stuff, expect more coming)


Work was interesting, to say the least. Louis didn't call me to do any more jobs after I called the investors to tell him he'd be a little late to lunch and that made me a little suspicious. Even though I overheard what he and Harry were speaking about, I always wondered if he truly liked us together. It's not his life, I get that, but if Harry lets him impact his life, what hope is there for us?

I put that aside when Alexis came into my office and chilled with me for a bit. It was around lunchtime when she came in; carrying some food that she had gone out a bought back for us to snack on. I haven't seen Alexis in a while so it's nice to be able to catch up with her, letting me know how she's been going.

She started to tell me all about Kieran and their planned getaway coming up sometime soon. I was happy for her, I truly was. She deserves all the happiness that comes her way and I love hearing all about them. "So, yeah, it's planned for in few weeks actually. I just have to clear it with Louis before we confirm anything at all. I'm so excited."

I finished having a sip of the coffee Lex has gotten as well before I nodded. "You sound super excited. I can't wait to hear all about it when you get home," she smiled gently as she took a bite of her sandwich so I did the same. It was quiet in my office since we were eating lunch but I had a strange feeling that was all about to change.

"So," Alexis started as I knew what was coming. I could tell this was coming from a mile away. "How are you and Harry doing?"

Whoop, there it is.

"We're doing well," I said as vaguely as I could but I knew she wasn't having any of it. She gave me that look, the look of "are-you-kidding-me-tell-me-everything," which she's famous for. "Okay, fine. We're doing amazing. He asked me to be his girlfriend on New Year's night and it was the cutest thing ever. I'm starting to really have feelings for him."

Alexis squealed quietly as she smiled as wide as I've seen before. "I knew it! I knew you guys would get together soon. I could totally feel it when you would talk about him! I'm so happy for you babes, honestly. You deserve to be happy with someone who makes you happy."

"I'm happy, that's for sure," I said whilst eating a bit more of my sandwich. We were suddenly interrupted by someone knocking on my office door. I looked at Lex and she looked at me in confusion. "Come in," I told the person behind the door to which Louis walked in. "Afternoon, Mr. Tomlinson, how can I help?"

He looked tired, almost as if he closed his eyes for longer than a second, he would fall asleep. For some reason, I did feel a little bit sorry for him, but I can't forgive what he did to Brooke. They were together for almost a few years, I thought they were happy but we were all wrong. "Afternoon ladies," he started looking at both of us. "I have an important meeting scheduled starting in an hour and I was hoping you could cancel me attending."

I didn't really know what to say but I nodded. "Of course, I'll try my best," I told him. He walked over to my desk, placing a piece of paper with a number on it. "Any reason why you can't get someone else to attend?"

"They're expecting me and me only," he stated. "I can't send anyone else. But I also can't attend either. Sarah's going for a scan and she wants me there, but the only time she could get was the same time as this meeting. Even though it's very important, I can't be there."

"Understandable," I spoke. "But do you really want to miss this very important meeting for a scan that can happen a few weeks from now, Mr. Tomlinson? You never miss important meetings and I thought you would attend, no questions asked. What's changed?"

Conflicting Attractions // h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora