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Krissy had been in a little bit of a mood for a few weeks, anything you said or did for her, she snapped at. Phoebe couldn't understand why she was acting like this, there was nothing that was making her super mad with everyone, including Eden and Leon. Eden just thought she was having one of those moments where everything pisses her off and no one can do anything right. Phoebe would just keep out of her way, not wanting to piss her off even more than she was.

One sunny afternoon, Phoebe was hanging out with one of her friends, Kaitlin, in her room. They were talking about boys, cute celebrities plus the latest television shows that they were both into. With Phoebe and Kaitlin giggling all the time, it was doing Krissy's head in, so much that she stormed into her sisters room, fuming with anger. "Would you both just put a sock in it? I hear that pathetic giggling from my room and it's doing my bloody head in."

Phoebe and Kaitlin were looking at each other before looking at Krissy, to which Phoebe stared at her, trying to figure out what was causing all this anger to bubble up inside her. "Well, maybe you should put some headphones in to block out the noise."

Krissy let out an angry groan before storming out of the room, slamming the door. Phoebe looked at Kaitlin before they both nodded, their plan was about to hatch. Phoebe was going to risk her life, her sanity and go looking into Krissy's room. They both were watching the hallway and into her room. She wasn't inside her room, which was the perfect opportunity to have a peek.

Phoebe walked inside her room with Kaitlin watching for her to come back, their signal being a bird tweet. Phoebe went rummaging through her drawers, under the bed plus on her desk. She kept looking back at Kaitlin to which she shook her head. Phoebe decided to look through her bathroom, anything to find out the source of her anger. She went rummaging through her cupboards, drawers and finally the trash. She moved a few items before she found what she was looking for. She stumbled upon Krissy's secret.

A positive pregnancy test.

She gasped, her hand going over her mouth when she heard Kaitlin doing their signal. She scrambled to get everything back into the trash to make it look like it hadn't been touched. "Move out of my way, nerd," she heard Krissy say before there was a groan. Phoebe turned around and there stood her sister. "What the hell are you–"

Krissy stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth being zipped immediately. Phoebe looked up at her and she looked at what she was holding. "What's this, Krissy?"

"It's nothing, give it back," Krissy demanded and tried to grab it off her but she kept a tight grip on it. "Phoebe, I said, give it back."

"No," Phoebe replied, Kaitlin watching them have a little bit of an argument. "I will not give it back. Not unless you tell me that this isn't yours."

"It's a bit hard when you found it in my bathroom trash, it can't be mum's so it must be mine," Krissy admitted which made Phoebe's eyes go wide. Her sister was going to be a mum at seventeen and that's a little hard to believe. "Phoebe, if you love me enough, could you hold off telling mum? I'm going to get an abortion, I don't want it."

"You're going to kill an innocent baby? Are you crazy?!"

Krissy groaned before she sighed, sitting on her bed. "You don't understand, Phoebe. I'm only seventeen, what would mum think? It's better if I just get rid of it now so mum doesn't have to know."

Even though Phoebe was against killing innocent babies, she understands where her sister is coming from. "I'll come with you," Phoebe said, sternly before Krissy looked at her, a shocked expression on her face. Krissy shook her head before she put her head in her hands. "I told you I'll be there for you when you need me and you'll be there for me when I need you so this is one of those times. Just tell me when it is and we'll go together."

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