37\\Butter Knives and One PM

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After the night I had with Harry, when I got into the confinements of my bedroom, I eventually sobbed myself to sleep. I know sobbing over something stupid is actually quite silly of me, but I honestly want to get to know Harry. I want to know everything about him so we can finally – if he wants too, start up a relationship of some sort. Sure, we're best friends but I want more. I want to know what it feels like to be loved and to give love.

I woke up at around nine in the morning, yawning gently and opening my eyes to the sweet sight of the sun beaming inside my room. It was going to be a good day. I actually didn't hear Harry leave last night, so maybe he just slept on the couch but I honestly felt bad after telling him to leave if he did end up leaving. I didn't want him to leave, especially after the night he had and I had hoped he was sleeping on the couch in my living room.

I finally dragged myself out of bed and into the bathroom, where I fixed up my hair and brushed my teeth quickly. I didn't mind being in my Pyjama's since it was my day off. I was meant to be going with Brooke to pick out a bridesmaid dress for all of her bridesmaids but if Harry was going to be sticking around, I would probably have to rain-check, much to Brooke's persuasion.

I yawned whilst I made it out of my bedroom, walking past the living room, stopping dead in my tracks to an empty couch. My heart started to race, I didn't think he would actually take my advice and leave. I didn't want him to actually leave, which made me even sadder. I sighed, making my way into the kitchen and putting the kettle on. I needed to have a coffee.

Coffee makes everything better.

I grabbed my coffee mug, putting milk and a scoop of coffee inside as I stood at my kitchen counter, thinking about what I got told last night by Harry. I still don't know, to this hour of the day where he works. All I know is that it's apparently "secret". Which confused me the most. I didn't mind so much that he used to like Ellie romantically, it's the fact that he couldn't come out and tell me his occupation that bothered me.

It shouldn't, but it does.

The kettle had finished boiling so I put some warm water in my coffee mug, stirring it gently as I took a small sip. I felt the hot liquid filled my deprived veins whilst standing at my kitchen counter. I heard a noise behind me, which made me jump and instantly grab the nearest knife whilst I turned around, to reveal a smiling Harry. "A butter knife? That's going to cut someone immensely, don't you think?"

I looked down at the knife in my hand as my cheeks turned bright pink. I thought it was an intruder but it was only Harry, the same Harry who made me sad this morning because I thought he had left. "I thought you left."

"I could never. I'm committed to sorting whatever happened last night. I didn't want to leave anyway, even if you had of pushed me outside and locked the door," he said whilst leaning on my breakfast bar, "I would've found a way inside."

"Committed? More like annoying."

"Whoop, there it is," he commented as I slowly took a sip of my coffee with a smile on my face. "There's the sassy Phoebe that I know."

I nodded triumphantly whilst yawning once again. Harry watched my every move, not breaking contact with my movements. Almost like he was scared I was going to run off somehow. I watched as I swayed my hips and his eyes moved at the same time as my hips did. "Styles, take a picture, it might last longer."

He snapped out of his daydreaming trance as he chuckled unconvincingly. "I just had a light bulb moment," he admitted whilst I giggled gently.

"Whilst staring at my hips?"

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