36\\Questions and Answers

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(Read the author's note guys xoxo)



"You probably have so many questions and I don't blame you," Harry pointed out while watching me clean his wounds with the rags. He was making sure I wasn't making them worse and also I think he was scared I wouldn't clean them properly. I've been through this before so I have an idea on what I'm doing.

"Are you sure you're ready to answer every question I want to ask?"

Harry hesitated for a minute while I continued to clean his wounds. I was almost done his face before he grabbed mine in his hands, staring into my blue eyes before he nodded gently. "Some questions I will answer, the rest I'll have to pass on. But most questions you ask will be answered. Please, Phoebe. I just want to be honest, ask me whatever you want to ask."

Was he going to regret that decision?


For the last few minutes, our eyes were lingering in each other's. I don't think Harry wanted to stop staring into my sea blue coloured eyes. I could see a little bit of worry flash through his green orbs a few times whilst he was staring into mine, but I knew he would have a little bit of worry pulsating through him. He's been hiding a few big secrets, it seems and now finally I might be able to know them?

It took a few more minutes longer for him to snap out of the trance he was in when he let go of my face and let me finish cleaning his wounds on his face. He was just staring into oblivion, not really focusing on anything whilst I was finishing off. I had finished a few minutes later and before I could get up, he grabbed my arm, stilling me in place. "Those questions you have – I want you to ask them now."

"Harry, can I ask them in the morning? I'm tired," I said whilst I yawned deeply, my eyes feeling a bit heavy but Harry shook his head. I sighed, getting up to walk into the kitchen, washing my hands thoroughly before I dried them and rubbed my eyes. I was so tired, I had a full on day at work and I just wanted to sleep. "I swear, I will ask them tomorrow, I'm actually almost dozing right now."

"Phoebe, please. In the morning, I might not have the courage to answer the questions. If you fall asleep, I'll see if I can but right now, I want you to get them over and done with."

I yawned again, watching while Harry got comfy on the couch, holding his stomach whilst he moved. I felt so bad for him, he obviously got drunk for a reason and I want to know the reason why. He looks so beaten up and my heart was breaking. He stared at me as I sat down next to him, turning to face him.

Harry stayed quiet, playing with one of his rings whilst he waited for me to ask the questions. It was nearing eleven now and I was getting more and more tired. "I actually, uh, don't know what I want to ask. It's just been sprung on me and I was prepared to ask all these questions but now I don't know," I said at first which caused Harry to move a little bit. "Um, maybe, first question could be, how did you and Ellie meet?"

Harry took a moment to think about it before he nodded, staring right at me. He looked super tired as well, but he wanted to let me into his life – even if it's just small questions with short answers. "We met in Kindergarten, well – we didn't, our parents did. And that's when her mum, Beth told my mum about me. I was a shy kid when I was younger, I didn't want any friends, and I was more of an independent boy. But when I met Ellie, I felt a spark. Like she was meant to be my friend, kind of spark."

"After that, we were friends throughout the rest of middle school, high school and college. We made sure we were going to the same schools – even our parents made sure we were too. After we finished school, she stayed in Holmes Chapel whilst I came to live here in New York. There's a reason why I moved here but we can discuss that later," he said whilst I listened. It took everything out of me not to fall asleep, but I continued to yawn deeply. "Next question."

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