13\\Irritating Vibrations

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(no, the chapter name isn't meant to be dirty, I see you dirty minded people)


4 YEARS AGO [Continuation of Chapter 12's flashback]

The funeral had started and there were a few people that were around, listening to everything that was said by some of their family members. Leon had his arm around Phoebe's shoulders during most of the speeches, trying to comfort her in this situation. Eden's brothers and sisters were all expressing their love for her as well as a few funnier stories that were told from when she was younger. A few scattered laughs were heard when the funny stories were told but Phoebe sat, emotionless. None of what was said she found hilarious.

Her nerves were starting to get the better of her. She knew that soon, her speech would be called upon and she would be able to say what she had written. She was looking forward to sharing her mind but also, scared. Scared she was going to say the wrong thing and get weird looks from everyone seated in the church. Leon had whispered a few words of calmness in her ear, which seemed to calm her a little.

But there were still nerves inside her stomach.

"Now, I would like to call upon Eden's last and only attendee out of her two daughters up to the podium. She's got a special piece written that she would like to read out for everyone to hear, including her mother. Phoebe," the priest said as Phoebe took a few deep breaths, looking at Leon who smiled and mouthed, "You're okay" before she nodded and turned to face the podium. She got up there and grabbed her piece of paper, which had turned out to be almost two pages long, all written in honour of Eden.

"I, um," Phoebe started before she gulped, looking at Leon who was smiling at her. "I wrote this a few years ago, not all of it, but the first few sentences and when my mum passed, I wrote the rest of it. So, bear with me if some of it doesn't make sense," Phoebe cleared her throat before she rustled the paper and read over the first line.

"Her beautiful blue eyes were shining in the sunlight, giving everyone a smile as she passed by. Her soft and wavy blonde hair flowed in the wind making everyone around her jealous. I'm proud to say that it was my mum, Eden. Everything she tried to do and was willing to sacrifice for me and my dreaded sister, Krissy, was admirable. Even though I wasn't old enough to know what she was sacrificing for us, I knew she did it because she loved us."

"When I was younger, I know everything she had done and said revolved around my sister, Krissy. She let her run free when she was eighteen to London with her boyfriend. To say that I was relieved would be an understatement. I was ecstatic," there were a few laughs when Phoebe had said that, her smile growing and her nerves subsiding. "My mum hated how Krissy didn't appreciate what I had done for her when I was younger but my mum made up for that. While Krissy was off, living her life, Eden made sure I was the centre of attention until her very last breath."

"I loved her with all my heart, the thought of her safe and secure where no one can touch her makes me happy, but also breaks my heart. I wish she was here with me, hugging me, telling me that everything is going to be okay, helping me with boy troubles, hell, even to compliment me when I'm having a rough day. How am I going to cope without her? Why did my mum have to be taken so early?"

A few tears started to fall from Phoebe's eyes to which she wiped them away, almost finished with her speech so she could move from the podium and sit back down. "Mum, if you're listening, I love you so much. I didn't want this to be our final goodbye, but I just hope you're safe and having the time of your life. Don't drink too much of that champagne, you may just get a stomach ache," Leon let out a laugh followed shortly by everyone else. "I love you, mum. Always and forever."

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