Chapter Five - Midnight McDonald's Runs

Start from the beginning

Max somehow got my number and called me right after class ended.

"Hey babe want to go to the dance with me? I'm pretty good with the ladies."

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, who wouldn't want to go out with the star on the hockey team?"

"Me." I said scoffing


"You guys are sickening."

Boy, do I hate boys.


At lunch, Riley came and picked me up. She drove us to Starbucks. Thank goodness I'm getting advice about boys - I am in desperate need.

"Hey Camilla, what's up?"

"Not much. I'm just glad we planned to go out together." I mentioned. "I just got out of calculus and French where pretty much all the guys were staring at me. At least half of them want to ask me to the dance and the other half are just too nervous. I'd never thought I would say this but being popular sucks."

"Yeah, sometimes I wish I was popular but other times I'm glad I'm the way I am."

"Just because I'm 'pretty' they all 'love' me." I put air quotations on the words pretty and love. Riley parked the car and we got out.

"You are pretty Cam; they're not joking about that." She said smiling. We headed into Starbucks. I ordered a cappuccino and Riley ordered the same. We say down at a table and I started the conversation.

"So, how are you?" I asked.

"I'm good, thanks for asking. How are you?"

"Pretty good, how is your relationship with Luke?" I asked. "Last time I talked to Luke he said you guys were taking a break or something."

"Yes, we were... But now we're back together. Cam, the only reason we were taking a break was because we got into a little fight. You don't have to be worried."

"I wasn't worried." I defended. "I would just miss you if you broke up." I said a little more softly.

"Camilla, I would still see you all the time anyways. You and Ace hang out every day." She said smiling. "So did you want to talk about anything specific?" She asked. I guess I'll just have to say it.

"I came to you for dating advice."

"Why? You don't have a boyfriend." She said.

"I know, but I might soon... And I need to know what to do, and what not to do." I said.

"I'm surprised you came to me." She said. "Well, don't waste your time fighting over the dumbest things. And make sure to always be honest. Are you thinking about anyone in specific when you're asking me this?" Riley asked.

"I don't know... Sort of," I said shyly.

"Don't be shy, you can tell me. Or you don't have to if you don't feel comfortable."

"Well there is a guy that I think I'm in love with... If I tell you, you promise you won't overreact or say anything."

"I promise." She said.

"It's Ace,"

She seemed a little surprised at first, but I guess she kind of figured that. She smiled and said,

"You too would be great together. But there's no need to rush things you know... You're only seventeen Camilla."

"I know, and I don't think that Ace would be the guy to go on a date with a girl. I mean, maybe, but I've been best friends with him forever, and whenever a girl has been interested in him, he turns them down."

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