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Inferno and Ryan traveled across the great mountains and rivers and plains, the wind begun to become cold and crisp as they approach farther, to the north of Arrtia. They were silent, they both held Winter, they were side by side not even taking glances for great anger was casted upon the both of them. They had both killed Winter and now they must save her. This was their punishment, walking together, enemy beside enemy.

The snow begun the fall and the wind of the top of the world bit coldly at their faces. Soon enough they were both shivering to the cold and had to take shelter inside of a ice cave. Arrtia, was now a great death land completely made of ice. It's temperature the coldest in existence.

They woke up and carried Winter once again across the tundra. It had been many cold and harsh days until over the great mist of ice that swirled in the distance revealed a great palace, giant and old, white and splendor. The witch of the north's layer.

They made it to the great entrance. The two boys were hardly alive, their feet nipped by frostbite and their faces covered in a thick layer of ice.

They both opened the doors and a warm wave of heat flooded from the inside. They approached the grand hall, it was huge and the pillars tall and white, the windows giant and covered in frost. The carpet was a pattern of red and blue roses and three giant golden chandlers hung at the very top of the hall.

They opened the giant door at the end of the hall to a giant room. A golden table took up half of the room and a women sat in one of the chairs. She seemed very old, wrinkled and small. Her nose giant and so were her ears. The grey hair on her head hardly sticking to her scalp. She was sipping her soup and staring at the window. "The bringer of end." She mumbled to herself over and over again. "Ianthe, The bringer of end."

Inferno put Winter on the ground and held her hands while Ryan came up to the women. "We need your help." Ryan spook weakly. "Your the witch of the north, your the only one who can save her..."

"The bringer soon comes, the bringer will end, all will end." She mumbled her disturbing chant again. Ryan put a frosty hand on the old women and she turned towards Ryan with wide grey eyes. "The great feline, has come to my aid." She whispered. "The two love one, but the heart stops with rage."

"Winter." He whispers. "I cannot help you, or else the tall will unfold." She whispered almost silent. "Please, I'm begging you, save her, she's the only thing that's keeping me alive..." Ryan whispered.

The lady sighs then weakly nods. "You have came to the ends for my aid, you shall have your wish but there are always consequences."

She grabs her sapphire walking stick and inferno grabs winter and they all walk silently to a wooden door. "I will do a reanimation spell, and if it does not work then I'm afraid it's truly her time." Inferno and Ryan both nod to this. The lady opens the door to a room littered with potions and book. "Put the girl on the marble table." She orders.

Inferno does as she says and the women litters flower petals, crystals, and weeds. The women puts a golden feather on Winters chest. "The Goldshire griffin, the bringer of light. It's feathers bring peace and harmony." The lady whispers.

She poured multiple potions on Winter and scattered powder all over her. "She is now ready, all that comes now is hope."

The lady started to chant in a unfamiliar language for what seemed like a hour. She stopped and placed a hand on Winters heart. "Now join." The lady whispers.

Inferno and Ryan place their hands on Winters heart. Suddenly the burns and cuts and frost begun to fall away and her body started to heal. Ryan and Inferno felt the silent beat of her heart and it quickened to the seconds.

Winter opened her eyes.

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