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I tried to keep the tears from running down my eyes. My heart was beating quickly, afraid of what Ryan had done, and what he had become. Down the snowy path I saw a dark shadow lurking onto the snow. My heart stopped and I slowly traveled down the path, quickly looking in every direction, until my bare feet stepped on a branch and a low growl erupted from the giant rocks that littered the pathway.

A beast bursted out from behind the rocks. A giant beast twice as tall as me, giant claws, and giant muscles. His eyes glowed a deep sapphire, I could see a true wild animal behind them. His muzzle and chest were draped with blood and so were his giant saber fangs which stuck out like spears from his jaws. His growling increased and his tail flicked viciously.

"Ryan." I whispered and I slowly let my knees fall onto the snowy ground. I held out my hands. A growl erupted from his blood stained jaws and he positioned himself, ready to spring. "I know your in there just please, I need you." A tear fell from my eye, it flowed down my cheek. I closed my eyes, in fear of the giant beast looming over me.

The beast stopped growling, I could then hear it's paws patting through the wet snow, the vibrations sending chills down my spine. The beast put its head between my hands. I felt it's warmth, it's power. "Ryan." My voice cracked through my icy tears and I opened my glassy eyes. My hands ran down Ryan's cheek, his fur warm and soft.

I stood up and gave Ryan a hug. The deers blood staining my dress, it didn't matter I would wash it off anyway. "Take me home." I whispered and he nodded. I got on his back and he flew across the snowy path and towards the tundra.


It had been a few days since that incident and I waited and waited for Ryan but as the snow melted beneath me and the sun lit the small valley Ryan was still a snow leopard. Ryan had told me that it was too dangerous for him to be near me so he kept a giant distance away from me. Every afternoon I would see his mouth draped with blood and he became increasingly wild. He probably would never turn back into a human. He wrote through the snow that he thinks he was in some kind of shift paralysis because he wasn't with his people.

I didn't want Ryan to stay a snow leopard forever. I wanted him so badly, so badly that it hurt, for him to be human. So we could live our happy ever after. Ryan would build a house in this lake and we would start a family, a frost angel and Leon family. but as the snow slowly melted away in the southern side of Arrtia that vision seemed to slowly fade away.

"Don't leave." I whispered softly touching his head. I have to Winter, I'm sorry. He wrote into the dirt and I stared at the words for a long moment. Tears ran through my eyes. These last days were so depressing, and now Ryan would leave. His "instinct" was slowly coming back to him. Without him life would always be a living hell.

I can feel my humanity, slowly slipping away through my fingers, I don't think nothing can stop it. He wrote. Winter, I'm leaving by morning, I can't control it, I'm try so hard but I can't.

I nodded. I then gave him a giant hug, clenching his soft fur. "Ryan I will always love you, leopard or human nothing will ever break us apart." I whispered to his ear. I pulled closer into his long fur and I sobbed.

That night I cried myself to sleep...


I woke up in a void of darkness. Once again I felt the chill of the air bite at my skin. "Winter." Whispered the same man, the man in the black cloak. He appeared in a fog of red mist engulfing the black void. "What you want! Haven't you done enough! Get out of my head!" I yelled.

"Winter, I can see your sorrow, the heartbreak you are feeling at this very moment. One boy you hurt and another that can't be near you, what if that could change...what if...I could help you." The man whispered, his eyes blazing like a red flame.

"Help, how?" I whispered wiping away the tears. "I could remove the curse Ryan is in...but...for only one condition. You must take the spear of the Ko and let me tell you everything, about the Ko."

I thought this through for a moment. Ryan, he wouldn't have to leave. We could live our life together...forever. I quietly nodded, accepting my fate. "Very well!" Shouted the man cheerfully. "Now shall we."

The void twisted and turned into a dark hallway...once again the same frozen and cold hallway, with the black spear at the very end. I walked towards it, keeping my head leaned down towards the frozen floor.

When I got to the spear I stared at its shining liquidity form. I slowly reached out my hand towards it. I couldn't reject what I have chosen, I decided this fate and I shall silently take it. My fingers curved around its cold surface and I felt its power, it flowed deeply through my veins, my body was engulfed with its energy. I felt like, I could conquer...anything and everything.

"Very well Winter. I could feel your Ko, and indeed it is strong. You are the true handler of the Spear of The Ko."

"What is Ko." I asked with a frown on my face. "It's one of the energy inside us, you see there is a Ko and Ro. Ro is the energy of Peace and Ko is the energy of Conquer. Both make up the So, the energy of balance."

"Winter, let me teach you how to use the Ko."

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