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I woke up next to inferno. I looked outside of the rocky cave to see a hawk pecking away at a carcass.

I shooed the hawk away to see a dead moose right at the very entrance of our cave. I huffed in disgust and kicked the moose off the cliff. A stench arose from the blood and excess flesh. Well time to do some morning cleaning. I thought.

At noon we ate some moose we caught along the frozen sea. Hundreds of animals were migrating across the frozen sea. Soon enough Arrtia would be a great summer garden.

We sat together on the cliff during the afternoon. "We'll leave by dusk and head to Airo tomorrow how's that?" Asked Inferno. I nodded slowly. Of course I was homesick. I had been in Arrtia my whole entire life and now I was heading towards another continent that I didn't even know.

"What's Airo like?" I asked looking into infernos golden eyes. "Well I've never been to Airo before. I read in books that it was a place of great beauty and giant mountains. The most tallest mountain in all of Ratellia is located there. All of the animals you see here are from Airo, well of course some adapted to the climate but you see what I mean..."

I nodded to infernos story. "I want to visit the most largest mountain in Ratellia." I Replied in excitement. "You probably could since you could survive the high mountain climate with ease but there's the Harpy's and giant saber cats."

"What are harpy's?" I questioned. My eyes wide with wonder. "Harpy's are probably the closest descendent race to the angels, nasty creatures tho. They're arms are replaced with giant vulture wings and they have giant eagle eyes and a ugly looking beak. They have little to no hair on their heads and can't even perform magic like an angel. They're legs are also replaced with giant claws that could tear right through your bones and flesh and Prefer their prey long dead. They are nicknamed the death angels and are probably more descendant to a vulture than a angel. I can't even believe they are descendant to beautiful angels."

"Well I'm not going there." I answered changing my mind. "Good because we have better places to go to other than there." He whispered. "You know we could have our first child in Airo. It sounds like a beautiful place to have a beautiful girl or boy." I whispered back.

"I agree." He answered. "A hybrid could truly put a end between the two races. Such a beautiful hybrid for such races who hate each other so much. The Arc, The most powerful hybrid in all of Ratellia. Our child could probably one day stop the war raging over the lands..."

He kissed me softly on the lips. After we finished kissing I told him that I wanted to find some more prey so that we could have enough food for the trip to Airo. "I'll be here waiting for you..." he told me with a chuckle. He probably was going to give me a surprise visit. He could sense my presence miles away.

I walked across the hot springs. I lifted my sparkling wings into the air and flew into the great blue sky.


I landed with a soft thump near the river. I got out my hunting spear from behind my back. I walked slowly across the river. Keeping my eyes keen in all directions. I was tired of the taste of fish. I had been eating it nonstop in those past many days. I was going to hit the tundra. Knowing that most prey was easy to spot there. I could see animals from long distances with my eyesight.

I started my way along the path until I heard a faint footstep. I stopped in my tracks. I breathed in softly. "Inferno." I softly whispered. "No, Winter its me."

At that moment I turned around to the unfamiliar voice. I faced the young man. His short white hair blew to the summer breeze, His skin a pale white. He had no shirt and he wore long silky black pants that I've must of left back at the lake. His eyes a sparkling grey.

"Ryan..." I whispered under my breathe. "How..." He took a step towards me. He was very tall, very muscled, exactly like the sleek cat he once was before.

"I don't know." He whispered back in that low handsome melody. "But I'm here, I'm human Winter."

I took a step towards him. I didn't know what to do. I already made my destiny clear with Inferno but... I was so confused. I didn't know what to do. What was I supposed to do?

He dashed towards me. Putting his arms around me in a embrace. "Ryan..." I whispered not knowing what to do. "It's ok, I'm here Winter." He assured me. "You don't have to be sad anymore..."

Then I heard a thump behind me. I immediately pulled myself away from Ryan. I saw inferno behind me and backed away into a rocky corner.

"Winter? Who's this?" Questioned inferno huskily staring at Ryan. "Who are you?" Questioned Ryan back.

I was left in a frozen pose. Not knowing what to do next. Should I run away from this situation? Should I tell the truth? I sighed. I didn't want to have to do this...I thought Ryan was long gone, I thought I had killed Inferno. But no they were both here...staring at me speechless.

I knew what was right, I had to tell the truth. "This is Ryan, I had meet him long ago as a child and this is Inferno, I had saved him up in the mountains."

"Winter lets go." Growled Inferno. "We're leaving now." He lifted his crimson wings. He held out his hands. Wanting me to come with him. "What? No, she's mine!" Yelled Ryan.

Inferno showed off his fangs. "She isn't yours." He spat.

"Don't go with him, stay with me Winter!" Shouted Ryan. His eyes blazing blue. "Come with me Winter, please!" Gasped Inferno. He looked at Ryan in anger. If I didn't choose then they would probably kill each other over me.

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