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I woke up on my bed. Remembering what today was I let out a groan. The Winter Festival, every solstice the frost kingdom hosts a winter solstice and when it turned summer a summer solstice will be celebrated. This was the last winter solstice to ever be celebrated. That meant a giant feast and me not seeking off. Of course when I came home yesterday I was forced with extra chores and locked in my room all day with no dinner. But my parents agreed to let me attend the festival as long as I kept my mouth shut and sit quietly like I always did.

For the first time since like yesterday I slowly walked out of my room. I got dressed, wearing my tight uncomfortable winter solstice dress that my mother made me and the chosen dressing girls made me sit down and they slowly combed and made my hair fit for the event. Adding extra color like many shades of blue into my hair and wings. Of course everyone needed to look unique and beautiful during this special event.

I walked out from my frozen ice tower and the other angels were all up front near the castle and listening to the royal angels speech. I sighed, hoping that this event wouldn't go as bad as last year. Last year people yanked on my hair and dress making me look like I've been on the streets and they laughed at me. I was definitely the ugliest girl In the event last year. The prince gave me a few disgusting glares and some of the other royals just to show it. But this year would be different. I kept on telling myself as I walked up to the crowd of angels. I kept my space between all of them, especially my sisters who smiled wickedly up at me and whispered in each others ears.

I stood in a corner. I wasn't even paying attention to the royal angels giving out their speech. I never payed attention. All I ever cared about was not getting hurt in gatherings like this. I was definitely going to run away forever after this stupid winter was over. I couldn't bare to live here any longer.

I grabbed my dinner from the lady and silently headed back to my family tower.

"Where are you going!" Shouted one of my sisters. I stopped in my tracked and tried to give her the coldest stare. "I'm Going back to my tower." I growled. She smiled. The golden dye in her hair shinning off the rays from the clouds. "Father said I needed to watch you, or else you'll go running off into the wild." Sister explained. "Frost I know my place in this stupid kingdom now leave me alone and let me be!" Frost's enchanting smile turned into a furious frown and she dashed towards me and threw my plate onto the ground.

"Your not the boss of me!" Shouted frost. "Your the most lowest ugliest girl in this kingdom now go back or else I'll snap your neck open!"

Suddenly I felt something deep inside of me awaken, like a fierce energy I never felt before, and at that moment I knew, I could control it. My eyes turned from a icy blue to a crimson red and I pushed that energy into my sister. She winced and I kicked her into one of the frozen towers. She fell onto the ground, unconscious.

I dashed into my tower and raced up the stairs and into my room. I took off the dress and quickly put on my white cozy dress on. I quickly grabbed a bag and threw everything in my room that I could fit in. I went into one of my brothers rooms and grabbed the longest hunting spear and threw it around my back. Quickly I jumped from off my brothers balcony and dashed into the clouds where nobody could see.


My heart was racing, it had all gone by so fast. I couldn't feel that furious energy inside of me anymore but I felt like it left scars. I couldn't go back anymore, after what happened. Was my sister dead? Did I kill her? Did that energy kill her? Well I didn't have to care anymore because nobody cared about me back there, they didn't even love me. They just used me as a toy to break and tear.

A few hours later I landed on the icy cold ground. I watched the hot springs. Then I saw a glint of bloody red and flew towards it. I landed and put down my bag and long hunting spear.

I caught my breath and sat on the frosty cold ground. I watched the boys unconscious body and for a split second it reminded me of my sister.

I slowly dragged the boy out of the water and felt his pulse. He was still alive...

I held him for a long moment. I could feel his warmth, his warmth. The energy at that moment suddenly scorched my insides and he opened his golden eyes. I let go of him and backed away in fear. The energy vanished just as it appeared...

The boy sat up too. His dragon-like wings reaching the sky. The claws of his hands clenching the cold ground.

"Who, Who are you..." He whispered. His voice like a low melody. Beautiful for a creature such as him...

"I'm Winter." I whispered, not believing my eyes. "You were in the mountains, almost frozen and dead. So I took you here so you could rest. The question is why are you here, you look like you came from warmer parts, what's your name?"

"Inferno, I ran away from Gotora, since then I've been traveling Ratellia, trying to find a place of peace and not of war." His eyes glittered to the cold wind. "I've heard of a place that stays summer for ten years then turns into a cold deadly winter, this must be Arrtia."

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