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I flew higher into the clouds and the temperature started to become colder and colder. I flew so high that I was above the thick clouds and I saw the top of the clouds become tipped with gold, this was the only time angels could see the sun and feel a small beam of warmth within their feathers and skin. My skin begun to sparkle like a diamond. Ice crystals from being so high in the air had formed all over my skin, making me look like I was completely made of diamond.

But the ice crystals slowly melted away as the tip of the sun's rays begun to peak from out of the top of the clouds. My wings and hair were soaking wet.

I decided that I had gone far enough at this point and dived back into the clouds. More frost crystals formed through my hair and skin. The mist of the clouds faded away and I squinted through the fog that covered the mountains.

I landed onto the snow with my bare feet and fell right through the thickness of the snow. I dug myself out of the snow and Coughed. I jumped back up into the freezing air. My hair and white dress now covered in the freezing snow. Dang! I thought. Never thought it would be that deep.

I landed onto a few large grey rocks and almost slipped off of them. My shimmering blue icy talons hanged onto the rocks with ease. I slowly waited as the mist slowly rose up into the sky and I let my wings fall and dazzled over the shimmering white tundra.

I found a spot to sit down on the slippery rocks and sighed. Hopefully no angel was out here this early. With good weather for hunting buck the man would be sure to come out here. But hopefully not far from their home and for sure I was very far north since I was a very fast flyer and had a whole entire summer to practice and show that.

After a few moments of watching the thick tundra I thought it was best if I headed back home. I got up from my spot on the rocks and stood up. It took me a moment to stay still and wait for a wind to kick my sensitive instinct of direction active but a wind from the south-west finally came.

My wings curved upward and I jumped into the air. I rose into the morning mist which started to slowly rise upward and become one with the clouds. I bursted above the clouds and white rays shined through the hole I had created through the clouds.

I found the stream of air that the man had usually used to find their way home and followed it back to the kingdom. It was now officially a early afternoon. I haven't kept up with time but now I could easily see that with how the sun hit the clouds, which was no longer a golden glow it had always made when morning arrived.

I curved my wings after I felt the familiar winds of home and dived below the clouds. Right away I softly landed on my balcony and checked the time. I winced, the men had already had left. I hoped they didn't see me.

I quickly changed into my sweater and my pants made from fur and skin of a white elk and dried my hair and wings with a cloth. I hid my wet dress underneath my other dirty clothes in the basket and picked up the basket and paced down the stairs.


"You eating all by yourself again winter?" Giggled a few teenage angel walking by as I ate my cooked salmon silently in a dark corner of the palace. I sighed and tried to look away as they pointed and giggled at me. It brought back a memory of my childhood when I was seven.

"Hah! Your so puny and tiny! I could take you down in a second!" Shouted a boy who was much taller than me. "You got no friends to protect you, your just going to freeze and die during the winter like a flea." Said a girl pushing me into a corner. Everyone crowded around me calling me a flea and puny and weak. "Just die!" Shouted a girl and I quickly zoomed away from the group of kids. I lifted my oversized wings and flew far away from the kingdom. I flew till my wings ached and I landed on the mountains.

I was gasping for air and I let my wings sink onto the rocks. I wiped away my tears as a slowly started to cry. I never want to go back to that wretched place again. I thought as my tears poured down my face.

Then suddenly I heard a faint whimper and I looked all around. My gaze was fixed towards a nearby boulder and I could see a shadow, another angel? My age? Out here?

I tipped-toed towards the boulder and noticed the shadow was much different than a angel, the shadow had no wings. I gasped and the shadows head moved. My wings were shaking and my body was frozen and tensed. The shadow continued to whimper. It sounded like an angel, but a little more deeper, and it sounded like he was crying.

My pose relaxed and I let my wings drip down my sides. I needed to comfort him.

I slowly turned the corner to see a young boy, my height, crying on the boulder. He was hiding his face in the long sleeves of his silky sweater and he was crying.

"Hey..." I whispered without thinking. "What's the matter." He took a glance at me and didn't even hardly flinch from surprise or fear.

"I don't care if you slice me into bits and pieces, just leave me alone ice demon." He whimpered. Ice demon? What? I sat down beside him. I looked curiously at his shoulders, where was his wings? "I'm not a ice demon, I'm a frost angel and what the heck is a frost demon?"

"It's a creature with wings and giant talons that comes to eat young children and I'm waiting on one." He whispered.

"Well I do have wings but I don't eat children nor have talons." Well I don't have talons yet at least. "So instead of a ice demon a frost angel came." He said staring at me with cold crispy grey eyes. I nodded. We both laughed.

I smiled at the childhood memory and finished off my giant fish. After I met Ryan he was the only friend I ever had. He made my depression slowly melt away from my troubled mind and filled it with confidence. He made me think someone really cared for me and I wasn't truly alone in this cold and dark world.

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