Chapter 31

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I wake up at 10:30, before Olli, and I grab my phone and walk downstairs and sit in the couch.

Hey girl want to get lunch today after practice?
The text from Karen reads

Love to. Where?

Pizza Taglio

Sweet. See you at the rink!

I walk back upstairs after I have some cereal and I change into some clothes to go to the rink.

"Morning!" I hear Olli say just as he wakes up. "Hey!" I smile. "Where you going?" "The rink. I got practice, then I'm going to get lunch with one of my friends!" "Karen?" "Yes!" I smile. "Okay have fun!" He smiles and puts his head jack on the pillow. "See ya later!" I say and walk out of the bedroom.


Practice is over and I go to my car to meet Karen at the restaurant.

"Have you ever been here?" Karen asks as we walk in. "I actually have!" I smile. "Is it good!" She asks happily. "Soooo good!" I chuckle. We get sat at a table and we look at the menu to see what pizza's we should get.

"This on looks good!" Karen points to a picture. It does look really good. "Any pizza looks good!" I grin. "Want to get this one?" She asks pointing to the same picture. "Sure. Let's get a medium, and if we don't finish we can split the leftovers!" "Okay let's do it!" We say and shut our menus.


The pizza arrives and it looks delicious. I'm so glad we ordered this one.

"Okay Gemma, we need to take a picture for your Instagram. It's full of hockey pics and we need to change it up a bit!" Karen explains. "What's wrong with hockey?" I ask. "Absolutely nothing. It's just you don't need to post hockey pictures all the time!" She grins. "Fine. Let's take it!" I roll my eyes. Karen asks a random person to take a picture of us with the pizza. She's so basic.

"Okay that's a good one!" Karen states as she looks at the picture. My phone buzzes and Karen sent me the picture. "Post it!" Karen orders. "Fine!" I roll my eyes.


50k likesTagged- karen_samuels3 (on the right)We can't decide what our favourite thing is, pizza or hockey!!!Commentskayla_ermold Olli should be your favourite!jsulllivann You're my fav!

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Tagged- karen_samuels3 (on the right)
We can't decide what our favourite thing is, pizza or hockey!!!
kayla_ermold Olli should be your favourite!
jsulllivann You're my fav!

"We're the best!" She smiles. I chuckle and continue to the pizza.


I arrive back to Olli's and I see him laying on the couch.

"Hey buddy. Want some pizza?" I ask. "Sure!" He pops up and comes to the kitchen. "This is amazing!" He says with his mouth full of pizza. I chuckle and sit on the couch. "Maybe chew your food before you talk!" I chuckle still. "When the pizza is this good, I can do what I want!" He says and he takes another bite. I smile and watch tv.

"What do you want to do today?" Olli asks sitting beside me. "Idk. You pick!" "Nooo!" Olli complains. "I hate picking!" I tell him. "I know that!" He chuckles. "Why don't we see a movie? We haven't seen a movie yet!" "What do you mean? We haven't seen a movie yet!" "Like since we've started dating we haven't went to the theatre to see a movie!" "What movie?" "Pitch Perfect 3?" "Not going to lie, I've seen the other two and I've really wanted to see the third!" Olli admits. "Let's go. It has to be playing now!" I stand up and pull Olli to the door.

We get in my car and drive to the theatre.


After the movie we walk around in the cold and just talk.

"How'd you like it?" Olli asks. "I loved it. What about you?" "Not bad!" He tells me and grabs my hand. "I love movies like that!" "Like what?" "Like people singing and stuff. Like 'The Greatest Showman', I loved that movie, all three pitch perfects, loved them. And all three high school musical movies, I LOVE!" I tell him. "So you really like musicals!" He chuckles. "Yes. But I can't sing to save my life!" I laugh. "I bet you're a great singer!" He wraps his arm around me. "Can we go get a hot chocolate or something? I'm freezing!" I say. "Yes please. Idk why we started walking in the cold in the first place!" Olli chuckles.

We walk back to my car and head to Starbucks. "Remember when we met at Starbucks?" Olli asks as we are driving. "Ya. What a good day!" I smile. "It seems like so long ago!" "I know. And we haven't even been dating a month!" "Ya." "Know what I realized!" I say. "What?" Olli looks over at me. "On our one month I'm leaving for South Korea!" "Really?" He frowns. "Ya. We started dating December 20 and our one month is January 20 and that's when I leave!" "Awww. We can celebrate our one month a day early then!" He smiles at me. "I'm excited!" I smile.

We pull into the Starbucks parking lot and walk in.

"Two medium hot chocolates please!" Olli tells the cashier. "Names?" "Olli and Gemma!" "$5.00 please!" Olli hands her the money and we go wait for our drinks.

"They always spell me name wrong!" Olli mentions. "Really? How do they spell it?" I ask. Our drinks come to the counter and he shows me how they spell it. "Omg. That's hilarious!" I laugh. "It's not funny, Emma!" Olli laughs. "What?" "Look at your cup!" He smiles. I look at my cup and they spelt my name as Emma. Not Gemma. "Okay well it's better than Oli!" I smile. "Shut up!" We both laugh and we continue to drink our hot chocolates.

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