Chapter 10

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Sitting beside me is Cathrine and Anna. The only ones coming is us three on the couch Kelsey, Jordan and Kayla. We're all having little mini conversations and I'm talking with Cathrine.

"So Gemma where are you really from?" She asks. "Canada!" "Oh what part? Me and Kris are from Montreal!" "I'm from Prior." "Oh that's not far. Maybe like 2 hours!!" She smiles. "Ya I think it's that far!" I smile. "Are you in school or anything?" "I'm actually playing for a women's hockey team here in Pittsburgh!" "Oh yeah? What team?" "Pittsburgh Lady Penguins!" "Oh hats right. Olli said that. How's your knee by the way?" "Good. I'm soon back to playing!" I smile. "Good. Olli has told everyone you're amazing!" "Really?" I smile. "Yeah. And the boys who went to your game they all said ya were really good!" "Well compared to them I'm not to good..." "Well if there was and NHL for women I can guarantee ya would be on the team!" "Thanks Cathrine!" "No problem!" She smiles at me.

After a bit we check the time and it's 7:00. We hear some laughs in the hall and when we look at the door way it's the boyfriends/husbands. And Olli.

"Hey!" Olli comes up to me and says. "Hi!" I look up and say. "Having fun?" "Ya!" I smile big. "Good!" He smiles.

"Hey Olli you two dating yet?" Kris asks Olli with a smile. "Ah no!" He smiles. "Really? By the way you talk it seems like you guys are!" Kris laughs. "Well aren't!" We both smile. "So you two haven't done anything?" He smirks. "We've kissed but that's it!" "Mhm!" "It's true. We've only kissed!" I say to Kris. "Kris they're only 23!" Catherine tells him. "I know I know!"

The boys leave so they can go get ready for warm up and then the game. Us girls walk up to the booth we will be in to watch the game.

"So Gemma how are things with Olli?" Jordan asks. "Fine!" "Good. Olli needs someone like you!" She tells me. "He does?" "Ya. He always talks about hockey and he's always watching it. He needs someone to do that with. And take his mind off of the game if you know what I mean!" She laughs. "I know what you mean. And things aren't there yet!" I smile as I tell her. "Okay. Use protection!" We both chuckles when she says that.

We arrive at the booth and we take a seat. It's so nice from up here. All of us girls keep talking until the boys step on the ice for the game. Right when they step on the ice I stand up to look for Olli. I really want him to have a good game tonight and I hope they win tonight.

Once they take the ice we all stand up and cheer.


Once the intermission happens I go get a drink from the canteen. Jordan comes with me so I don't get lost.

"Thanks for coming with me!" I say. "No problem!" "I just don't want to get lost. I've been here many times, just not in that booth!" "Yeah. I wasn't sure where to go at first when Conor got called up!" I smile when she says that.

We both get a drink and walk back to the box where we are sitting.


The games over and we walk down the the room we were in before the game. The boys walk in a little later when they are done changing.

"Hey!" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and it's Olli. I hug him and he hugs me back. "Good game." "Not really. We lost!" "Olli it's one game. You'll get another win soon!" I tell him. He looks down and smiles. "I know!" He keeps smiling. "You ready to go?" He asks. "Yup!" We start to walk out and all the girls said bye to me. "See ya girls!" I say before I walk out.

When me and Olli get out of the room he holds my hand. I look at him and he looks back. We both smile and keep walking to his truck.

Once we get back to my apartment Olli walks me to my door. "Want to come in for a bit?" I ask. "No I'm tired I think I should go home!" He tells me. "Okay!" I say. Olli starts to walk away, but before he gets to far I grab his hand and pull him back. "Olli that was a great game. You played well!" I tell him. "No. It was a terrible game!" He tries to convince me. "You played amazing. The whole team did. You out played them. You just could get more goals!" I explain to him. He leans down and kisses me. "How do you always find a way to make me smile?" He asks with a smile. "Not sure!" I smile back.

I open my door and I hear Olli say something. I step back at look at him. "What?" I ask. "I was thinking about what Kris said." He tells me. "Yeah?!" "Would you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks me. "Mhm idk!" I say as a joke. Olli frowns a bit. "I'm kidding Olli. I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I smile and hug him. "Good!" He hugs back. "Talk to you later?" He asks. "Talk to you later!" I smile. "Bye!" He says. "Bye!" I say and open my door again.

I feel hands on my waist and spin me around. It's Olli. He kisses me. I kiss him back and then smile. "Sorry. I just really wanted to do that!" He smiles. "That's fine Olli!" I grin and he backs off. "Now I'll talk to you later!" He smiles. "Bye Olli!" I grin and shut my door.

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