Chapter 29

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"I better go. I have to be at the rink early tomorrow!" Olli tells us and stands up. "You sure you don't want to stay a little longer?" Dad asks. "No. I better get some sleep. Thank you for supper!" He says before he goes to the door. "No problem Olli. Nice meeting you!" Dad replies to him. "Nice meeting you two as well!" He grins. "Bye Olli!" I smile. "Bye Gemma!" He grins and then walks out.

"He's such a nice guy!" Mom says. "Yeah!" I smile. "He's a keeper Gem!" Dad tells me. "Hey guys like him?!" I smile and sit up. "Ya!" They both say. "Aww. That's great!" I grin. "I guess Olli was right on getting home. It's 10:30!" Dad tells us. "Really?" Mom says surprised. "Wow. We got to get up early tomorrow!" Mom states and stands up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "We are taking a trip to Florida. A little vacation!" She says. "Okay. What time do you have to be there at?" I ask. "5:45 am." "Okay I'll drive tot guys there!" "No we can take a cab!" Dad tells me. "No dad. I can drive you guys!" "Okay!" He says. We all go up to our rooms and sleep until we have to get up.


After I drop my parents off I go back to my place and sleep more. I'm glad they like Olli. That defiantly took some stress of my chest when they said they liked him.

Guess what!
What Olli?
I can play after the by week!
Wooo. Congrats!
Come over?

Guess I'm not having much of a nap. It's 6:30 and Olli is already back from the rink.

I get to Olli's and I notice he isn't in the kitchen or the living room. I look in his room and he laying watching tv.

"Morning!" I say and lay beside him. "Hey. How are the parents?" "Good. They're on their way to Florida!" "Did you kick them out?" He chuckles. "No. They stopped here on the way to Florida!" "Are you serious?" He looks over at me. "Ya!" I laugh. "But they like you!" Sit up and turn to look at him. "Really?!" He sits up and smiles. I nod. "That's amazing!" We hug. "You look dead!" Olli smiles. "Thanks. Just what every girl wants to hear!" I grin. "No lie dead tired!" He explains. "I knew what you meant!" I say and then kiss him. "Want a nap?" Olli asks. "A really long one!" I smile as Olli brings me down so my head is on his chest.


We wake up at 12:00 and go down to make some food.

"Olli, why do you have such a big bruise on your side?" I ask touching his bruised skin. "Oh. Last time I was at the rink the boys were playing soccer and the ball hit my side. I guess I got a bruise!" He chuckles. "You're a little clumsy. Did ya know that?" I chuckle. "Ya. Just a little!" He grins down at me.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks sitting on a stool on the kitchen. "Up to you!" I smile. "Mmmm. Shit!" I hear him say. "For some random reason we're having a skate today with the team. The wags are invited to, to skate. Want to come?" "A free chance to work on skating? I wouldn't miss it!" I smile. "That was a stupid question!" He skates his head with a smile. "What time is it at?" "1:30. So we should be there at 1!" "Okay. And we also have to get my skates!" I tell him. "Right. So we could leave soon!" I nod once he says that.


We arrive at the rink and most of the team is here.

"Is Olli Määttä not the first one here?" Dumoulin jokes. "Shut it Dumo!" Olli laughs.

Coach Sullivan walks in and sees all the guys chatting with theirs girlfriends/wives and having a good time.

"Olli, lets see who's the faster skater out there, you or Gemma!" Sullivan laughs. "I think it will be me!" Olli says. "Cocky much!" I say. The whole rooms laughs at my comment, even Olli. "If Gemma wins I want to see her and Haggy race!" Hornqvist states. "That'd be fun!" I say. "He's an energizer bunny!" Sullivan tells me. "I may be the new energizer bunny if I win!" "Who's cocky now!" Olli chuckles. "I didn't say I'd win!" I smirk. Olli chuckles and keeps trying his skates.

We all get out there and everyone sits on the home bench. Sullivan goes down to the other end to see who the winner will be. Olli and I stand at the other end at the small red line.

"Okay, when I blow my whistle, skate as fast as you can. Ready?" Sullivan yells down. We both nod our heads and take our positions to start skating.

We hear the whistle blow and I get off the a quick start. I keep skating and I don't care how far behind Olli is from me.

When I stop I turn to see Olli slow down and not even finish.

"Oh my god. Olli your girlfriend just best you!" Sullivan states. "Holy shit your fast!" Olli says almost out of breathe. "Get some water!" I smile at him and skate to the bench.

"Well Haggy. You think you can take her?" Letang asks him. "Let's see!" He smiles and hops out of the bench. We skate to the same red line and wait for Sullivan to blow the whistle.

We hear the whistle blow and the two of us are pretty well going the same speed the whole way. But when we get to the blue line closest to the finish line I burst ahead of Hagelin and just beat him.

"Someone is faster then the energizer bunny!" Sullivan laughs. All the people on the bench cheer for me beating Hagelin. "Good Job Gemma. You are really fast!" He says and sticks out his hand. "Thanks Hagelin. Good job!" I shake his hand and we skate to the bench.

"Hey want to play in the NHL so we can have more speed?" Malkin jokes. "I am a centre, I can take your spot!" I smile at him. Everyone chuckles at my comment and Malkin laughs to.

We all skate play little games on the ice for a while. We have a good time all talking and getting to know each other.

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