Chapter 28

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I went to bed after the game was over and before Olli got back here. I get out of bed a I go downstairs. The tv is still on and I sit on the couch to watch some before Olli gets up.

Hey sweetie. Be and your dad are coming to visit you. We'll be there around 5:00 tonight.

Oh my god. My parents are coming to Pittsburgh. Does this mean hey have to meet Olli?

Okay mom. Want me to pick you up?

That's be great! See you soon!

Oh my god. I'm actually so nervous.

"Morning!" Olli says and kisses me on the forehead. "Morning!" "What's wrong?" Olli asks sitting beside me. "My parents are coming to town!" I state with no expression. "Is that a bad thing?" He questions. "No. It's just that they ummm... would want to meet you!" I slowly say. "Is that a problem?" "Well they um. They don't know that you messed up your face! I think." "Is that a big deal?" He smiles. "No. I just want you to look really good for my parents!" "Gemma. My face will be fine. You even told me that the swelling has gone down. My eye isn't swollen shut and I barely have a black eye anymore. My face won't be perfect but it will be fine!" Olli tells me. "Why do you always know how to calm me down?" I smile at him. "Not sure!" He smiles and kisses me. "What time do you have to get them?" He asks. "5!" "Okay. How about you go get your apartment ready for them and we'll talk later!" Olli tells me. "Okay. I just need to change!" I smile and get up and walk to Olli's room.

When I get back downstairs I see Olli has already ate breakfast and he is laying on the couch.

"Okay, I'll see you later!" I say to Olli. "See you later!" He smiles. "Bye!" I say and walk out the door.


I get back to my apartment and I clean everything. And by everything, I mean every little thing, top to bottom, in the place.

I check my phone and it's 2:00. Maybe I should shower and kinda get ready for when I have to pick up mom and dad.


Hey Gem what's up?

Olli asks me.

Getting kinda ready for to pick up my parents! What about you?

I was thinking, maybe around 6:00 I could 'suddenly' drop by so we can hangout. Then I can meet your parents!

Olli you don't have to meet my parents if you don't want to!

I want to!

You're sure?

I am sure. See you at 6:00 ;)

Bye Olli :)


I arrive at the airport and wait at the arrival gate. I'm so nervous for my parents to meet Olli.

"Hey!" They both smile and hug me. I hug back and smile. "Hey!" "It's kinda cold here!" Mom says. "We're not even outside yet!" I say. "Is it cold outside?" "Not really!"


We get to my apartment and they put their suitcases in the guest bedroom.

"So when do we get to meet this boyfriend?" Dad asks. "I'm not sure! When do you want to meet him?" I ask. "How about the four of us go out for dinner tonight!" Dad mentions. "Okay. I'll text Olli. What restaurant?" "Olive Garden?" "Sure!" I smile and text Olli.

Hey Olli. Change of plans. Don't come over! Dad wants the four of us to have dinner together!

Okay... What time?

"Dad what time do you want Olli to meet us here?" "Umm. 7:00!"

Okay meet us there at 7:00!

See you there!

"Olli will meet us there at 7:00!" I say and put my phone away. "How long have you guys been dating?" Dad asks. "Like 13 days!" "Not bad, not bad!" We both smile.

"This is a nice place Gemma!" Mom tells me. "Thanks. I've been here for a while, how come have you guys never come to visit me till now?" I ask. "Can't we randomly come to visit our daughter?" She smiles. "You came to see Olli?" "Maybe!" She grins. "Oh my god. The one time I get a great boyfriend is the only time you want to see me?" I start to freak out a bit. "Calm down honey!" Mom says and hugs me. "We came to see you too!" Dad mentions. "Whatever!" I say and walk to the couch and turn on the tv.


We arrive at Olive Garden and I see Olli pull in. We get out off the car and walk out to meet Olli.

"Hey!" I smile. "Hey Gem!" Olli smiles. "Olli this is my mom, Jennifer, and my dad, Tony! Mom, dad, this is Olli!" I smile as I introduce them. "Hey!" Olli says and shakes both their hands. "Nice to meet you Olli!" My mom says. "You too!" "So Olli, hows Pittsburgh treating you?" My dad asks as we walk into the restaurant. "Great! The city is amazing!" Olli tells him. "That's good! And the NHL, is that good?" "Ya. The season isn't going the way we all have planned but, it's still great to play in it!" Olli explains to my dad. "Well in 2016 you guys were playing like this and you puked though and won the cup!" "That is true!" Olli smiles as we walk into the restaurant. My dad tells the hostess his last name and shows us to a booth. I take the inside and Olli is on the outside of me.

We continue to talk and order our food.


When we're done eating we slowly walk outside and keep talking.

"So Olli, you should come over and hangout for a bit!" Dad mentions to Olli. "Okay!" He smiles. "Gemma, how about you go with Olli and I'll drive your car back!" Mom tells me. "You sure?" "Yes. Go!" I hand mom the keys and go with Olli.

"That was fun!" Olli says as we get in the truck. "Was it? Did you like them?" "It was great. And ya. Your parents are great people!" "Okay. Let's go to my place before they think something is up!" I tell Olli with a chuckle. He chuckles to and we drive off to my place.

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