Last - P.2 [Kavi]

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A/N: This is bad. So bad. The quality, I don't please about it at all. There are some lines that I love but maybe tissues are recommended. Well, maybe not, just in case...


Two years later, and the goodbye had never been said. 

Kirstie felt so, so piss, at something that she didn't even sure. The new bass, friends, boy toys, fame and money, nothing could fill the hole in her heart. She cheered, but inside she knew she wasn't happy. She smiled, but she knew it wasn't real. All was just a mask that she put up on herself. She couldn't break down and cry in front of these eyes.

All of these weaknesses, there was just only him could see.

The leaving of Avi Kaplan drained the happiness out of her.

But she wouldn't fight back.

She couldn't.


"Let's change our regular activity one more time.", Scott announced happily in the harmony of Uptown Funk. "Instead of a beautiful, gorgeous Chair Girl as always, we should get a Chair Guy!"

The hall in California, where they were holding their concert, exploded in screams. Kirstie could hear Mitch's giggles mixed with their harmony, and she just rolled her eyes playfully. Oh, tonight was gonna be a good good night.

Scott jumped off the stage, start walking across audience seats. "We used to have some Chair Guy rounds at our private show, and I always choose the boy myself. You know, I always love taking control, Mitch know it the best.". The crowd laughed, and the baritone stood steadily at a range on the back, his blue eyes twinkled. "I got my eyes on someone hereeee."

As Kevin and Matt kept the beat going, Mitch and Kirstie already stopped. Mitch chuckled softly, pulled her sleeve. "I think I know what Scott is seeing down there. That pretty young thing, didn't pay any interest for our Chair Guy tradition."

The soprano narrowed her sight, looked at the man was pushed into the blonde's arms by the crowd. He seemed a little bit protest, so different from every Chair Guy and Girl before. His head covered in a large beanie and the jacket's collar hid his face from his nose down. During the push-and-pull progess, his beanie dropped and the fans around immediately stood up to see who was the lucky guy.

A gasp loudly sounded, followed by shouts. The sudden exclaim of Scott drawn all attention to his direction.

"Oh my God."

The crowd started screaming.

"Oh my God. Jesus Christ.", Scott breathed fast. After a minute staring and left his bandmates and fans in incomprehensibleness, he grabbed the man's hand and pulled him to the stage. He didn't leave his eyes from the mysterious man. "You gotta come up here!"

Kevin looked at Mitch questioningly, and the brunette just shrugged. No one seemed to know anything, except Scott and the fans along the way he went by.

But Kirstie knew it wasn't fine when all of sudden, her heart beated faster.

She started to be nervous.

In a second, through the crowd, she saw a long black curl on the man's shoulder.


Scott finally reached the stage. He smiled widely, and since whenever, he carried the Chair Boy on his arms in bridal style, decided to hid the identify of his choice until the last second. The man shyly buried his face in Scott's chest.

Put the special Chair Boy in place, the blonde knelt down beside him. "Everyone, tonight seems to be even more wonderful than ever! Wow, I really didn't see this coming. I really, really, didn't see this coming."

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