Day 20: Jacket [Scömichè]

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"It's a bad idea to come outside with this Iron Man jacket, Kitten", Mitch purred as he took a hot chocolate cup from the blonde girl, "I'm freezing!"

Kirstie chuckled and paid for their drinks, "C'mon, you look cute! Really slay your jacket, Mitchell Stark."

"Please.", Mitch giggled, walked down to the street with her.

Snow was falling and people was cheering. Mitch and Kirstie were walking side by side. Everyone might consider them as a couple if they don't know them, but actually, they weren't. While Kirstie was in her thick pastel pink coat as usual, Mitch wore a red and yellow jacket with glowing blue arc reactor on its chest. Mitch was a fan of Marvel Comic since he was a child and his favorite one was Iron Man so he was very happy buying this jacket.

"I wore a reindeer hoodie last year, and wasn't it you who want to wear this jacket for a month?"

Mitch took a sip from his cup, shrugged, "I didn't expect it to be this cold. I should wear a sweater inside."

"You should.", Kirstie chuckled, pulled out her scarf and handed it to her friend, "Put this on."

He opened his mouth to denied but then he didn't as the steady look on her face. Mitch forcibly tied it around his neck, sighed. He opened her cup's lid and poured his own hot chocolate to her cup in return. He shook his head slowly to tell her not to refuse it.

Texas was marvelous as ever, especially when it was Christmas. The street was less people since they all snuggled in their house to avoid the cold and spend their time with family. Just Mitch and Kirstie, two teenagers too stressed with their families to enjoy a properly Christmas at home. After some lies, finally Kirstie could convince her friend's parents to let hom go. They sat in the bench for awhile, watching the busy men and women on the street until Kirstie punched his arm, "Mitchy, truth or dare?"


"C'mon, let's play a game! Truth or dare?", she excitingly said.

"It's not October but I'm on for a dare, anytime.", he sassy replied but regretted his choice right away when her signature smirk creeped up on her lips.

"Go there,", she pointed at a direction, "And hug that man."

Mitch curious looked to her fingers to see a blonde man stood relaxing in front of the big pine tree, wore a blue jacket with some gray and red lines on the back. He turned and rhe brunette can see a red star on the jacket's chest. Mitch gasped, "Captain America's jacket! Holy moly where did that sweet cute boy get that jacket from? Oh and he is kinda cute, isn't he... Blonde and blue eyes I can see from this distance and that height..."

"Now you have a reason, no, many reasons to go give him a hug, Mr. Stark.", Kirstie chuckled, pushed him off the bench. "I'll waiting here, go get your fucking cinnamon roll Captain."

"Ohhh gurl, you talk with your mother with that mouth?"

"No momma.", she winked and Mitch slowly turned away, walked to the blonde boy.

He felt super nervous. Would he get punched? Would that blonde throw him to the ground? Oh my God he would forbid that Kitten from gave any dare can affect his beauty next time. But now the dare was given. He got no way back.


Scott snuggled to his Captain America's jacket, enjoyed the warm from it. His eyes trailed up and down the pine tree, the colourful lights lit up his handsome face. It was kinda sad that he got no one to spend his Christmas with as his family was back to Germany and he broke up with his boyfriend a few months ago, but he got through it fine, thank you.

A weight was suddenly added to Scott's back made him almost felt. Came with it was a happy shout, "Rogers!!!"

The blonde attempted to throw that strange figure to the ground but the voice had success in made him calmer. He turned to see a little brunette boy, his cheeks were blushing red like tomatoes. And on his little figure was a dimly shone arc reactor. Scott's eyes opened wide.





Before Scott could say anything, the boy stuttered, buried his face on his hands, "I'm so so so sorry! This is a dare and I am jus--"

"No no Tony Stark, you have a super Pentawesome jacket!", Scott exclaimed excitedly.

"Penta...wesome?", the boy tilted his head slightly.

"Well... I want my future a capella band is called Pentatonix, so I just get used to add Penta as a prelix before... urg... everything."

The little boy jumped in surprise, "You can sing? You like a capella? I DO TOO!"



And with that, they bursted into laugh, their hands locked with each other.

"Well, before we get married, wanna be friend?", Scot giggled, looked into the boy's brown eyes.

The boy nodded, smiled widely, "Sure! I'm Mitchell Grassi, but just call me Mitch."

"I'm Scott Hoying, still Scott.", he shook Mitch's hands enthusiastically. "Nice to meet you, Stark."

Mitch smiled gently, "Nice to meet you, Captain."


And kids, that's how I met your papa.


A/N: Fluff for Scömichè :) Tbh I didn't know what to write about this prompt at first. I mean, you got a "Sweater" day and now "Jacket" day? Not a good plan. *talk in Tony Stark's voice*

Anyway, I enjoyed mixing two of my favorite thing, Marvel and Pentatonix, together, even I'm not a Stony shipper and I'll never be, but I bet my youth on Scömichè 😂 😂 😂

Hope you like my stories, I still loving you like I always do, and goodbyeeeee~

Oh wait does anyone watch Kurt Hugo Schneider and Sam Tsui 2017 Pop Mashup yet? It's slays!!!!

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