Day 21: Santa [Kavi & Elliot Kaplan-Maldonado]

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A/N: A special chapter based on Rockabye of my dearest SpicyTaritos. She is my first inspiration, the one told me to start writing. Thank you so so much, Tara, for reading my stories, inspired me and all. I love love you ❤❤❤

Just to remind, this story is NOT relate to the current timeline in Rockabye. This is just my imagination ;) And in this story, Elliot could say some familiar words without lisps.


"Daddy, can we get bawbecue on Chwistmas?", Elliot tilted his little head up to see his father, his green eyes blinked repeatedly.

"We have barbecue every Saturday and you still want it for Christmas, buddy?", Avi chuckled.

Elliot pouted, hold Avi's hand tightly, "But daddy, barbecue is fweaking awesome! Daddy daddy, can you cawy me?"

The bass looked at his son curiously, then knelt down to the kid's height, "Who taught you that 'freaking' word, Elliot?"

"I thaw daddy and mommy's songs with Uncle Mitch and Uncle Scott, there was a song that you thaid 'freaking'!"

"Thrift Shop...", Avi chuckled, silently thanked to Kevin's safely lyrics rules, what he thought totally ridiculous in the past. He wrapped his arms around Elliot and lifted him up, continued walking, "Back to that barbecue things, mommy want you to eat more vegetables, so no barbecue on Christmas."

Elliot pouted, wrapped his arms around daddy's neck, "That'th not faiw. Why daddy can eat bawbecue anytime but I can't?"

"Because mommy loves daddy more."

"Noooo! Mommy is mine!", Elliot shouted, a superfrowned came to his face made Avi's laugh. Like father like son.

There they were, walking through the busy street and snow was falling. Avi carried Elliot on his arms and Elliot opened his hands to catch the white, pure flakes. It had been a few months since Kirstie finally accepted Avi to her life again, but still a kinda long way for Avi to have her heart again. But he didn't mind. If time was the only way to have her trust, he can spend a life waiting.

He put his beanie on his son's head as snow fell harder. Elliot suggested him to go out and get some decorations while mommy went to meet Uncle Jeremy, so Avi decided to take him to the familiar supermarket near their house. He needed to buy some stuffs for their family too.


They turned out buying too much meats than vegetables. Elliot was just like his mother, never fail in convincing Avi.

"Daddy, thewe's always a Santa thewe on Christmas.", Elliot, was sitting in the shopping trolley, said. "I tell him my dweam evewy yeaw. He liketh me! I like him too!"

Avi put some milk into the trolley, smiled, "Do you like him like the way you like me?"

"Of couwthe daddy ith bettew. But mommy ith the best.", the kid cheerfully exclaimed.

"Who doesn't love mommy the best?", he chuckled, then whispered lowly, "It's just mommy who doesn't like daddy the best..."

Elliot, as innocent as he always did, jumped off the trolley and ran to the Santa when they came to the cashier. Left Avi alone paying, the kid pulled Santa's coat. The old man turned to see the familiar little kid, he happily carried Elliot to his arms. The kid immediately leant closer to Santa's ear, whispered as if they were sharing a nation's secret. Avi looked at them curiously but he let Elliot sometimes alone with his Santa before he called the kid home.

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