Avriel Kaplan and Five Stages of Jealousy [Kavi]

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A/N: Republish with a small extra story at the end :)



: a feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something or someone that you want.


Jealousy is not a private thing. One time or another, every one has at least a jealousy in their mind. Sometimes, you don't even know that you're jealous but sometimes, even a stranger can see 'JEALOUSY' is written in your face. Though, there is just a little number of person admit that they're jealous. Admit it or not, your complex actions won't lie. Jealousy doesn't leave anyone behind, so does Avriel Kaplan.

Stage 1: D-E-N-Y

"Hey baby brother!", Esther slipped to the seat beside Avi, greeted him. "Why are you sitting here alone? Where's Kirstie?"

"Gone.", Avi replied in a rude tone, didn't move his emerald eyes from the vodka bottle, his hand still hold a barbecue wooden stick.

Esther raised his eyebrows, worried looked at her bass. "Gone? Where?"

"To Jeremy. Lewis. The man from whatever his band's name.", he growled lowly, still denied to look at her.

Called herself a cocktail, Esther nodded knowingly. "Want to confess with me, brother dear?"

"No, Essy."

"Really? Because as I see, our girl is having some really good fun with Jeremy.", she said teasingly. But she didn't lie. At a corner of the club, there were Kirstie and a brown-haired boy, both had a drink on their hands and Kirstie was laughing as that man telling some stories. The adoration in her eyes was too much that made the atmosphere around them turned pink.

"What the 'Two of favorite things' bullshit...", Avi mumbled under his breath but enough to make his sister turned to look at him. "She said Jeremy and Rhum are two of her favorite things when she saw Jeremy stood there with Rhum in his hand. Where's my place?!"

Esther chuckled quietly as the bass wouldn't stop. "She said he can make every girl feels happy, so how about me? I can make them go even further than it! I can fucking make them drop their hearts whenever I drop the bass!"



The small stick in Avi's hand was broke into two as he turned around to meet the romantic scene between his bandmate and Jeremy.


Avi still didn't reply, his eyes glued on the pair. Kirstie and Jeremy seemed to get along well. Knew that nothing could distract an angry Avi, Esther took her drink and got off the high chair. But she wouldn't leave just like that.

"Hey Avriel.", leant closer to her brother's ear, she whispered. "I think you are jealous."

"What?", Avi suddenly backed to reality, but Esther was already gone. "Me? Jealous? Bullshit, how can it be..."

The bass replied himself and adored it. "Of course! Why would I jealous? C'mon, I'm awesome. If there is someone jealous, that must be Jeremy. Right? Of course..."

Esther looked at Avi from afar, and worried for her dearest brother's nervous system.

Stage 2: P-A-N-I-C

Avi Kaplan would never be jealous. Right. Never.

He silently watched Kirstie and Jeremy. What did Jeremy have but he didn't?

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