Day 2: Drawer [Mavi]

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Mitch got out of his drawer such a long time ago, and it was great.

He won't call himself used to hide in a closet. He opened about his sexuality too much so that his fear turned from a closet to a drawer.

His family and friends always have fun about this "drawer" thing. Mitch used to receive some mini drawers or LEGO drawers as his Christmas gifts, but recently, they just put his actually-gift in his top drawer.

He still remembers the first Christmas after he came out as clear as yesterday, and it makes him giggle everytime.

"Where's my gift?", Mitch rub his eyes and yawned. 

"They are right at where you used to be.", Mike winked at him. Mitch could heard his mom laughed at the background.

"Dad, it's the entire world's pleasure that me, a sassy Queen, wake up at 7 in a Sunday morning. She is smiling but sure she soon be grumpy if you make her solve a quiz, dad.", Mitch curled up on the couch, murmured.

Mike just kicked the couch real hard, chuckled, "C'mon Mitchell, go find your gifts, we don't want miss our favorite gifts opening time."

Mitch was forced to get up, and he started looking for hidden colourful boxes. And guess where he found them? Yes. His drawer.

Rethinks about that, he feels happy about how amazing the parents he has. This year, Mitch books them a vacation for two, which also means he won't get back home. He will spend the holiday with Scott, Kirstie, and especially his boyfriend, Avi.

Yes, you heard him right.

His boyfriend, Avi.

After five years of flirting, Mitch finally had confident to tell Avi that he really love him as a lover, not a friend. Right when Mitch was ready to leave and be hated, Avi pulled Mitch into his arms and kissed him. Avi's lips are soft and sweet, his touch likes fire burning on Mitch's skin. And then...

And then...

Lol no let not get into details. They still keep their relationship in secret, just others three of Pentatonix know about it.

Anyway, Mitch plans to spend his Christmas with his bandmates. Except Kevin. Kevin went to visit Kaplan family with his fiancé, Esther. The boys gathered at Kirstie's house yesterday, prepared for Christmas day, slept together beside the fireplace. Avi woke the trio up real soon, around 7am, but this time Mitch isn't grumpy, as long as he got Avi's kisses as his alarm clock.

"Can we starttttt now, Mitchie? You two can save them for laytar.", Scott playfully jokes, his hands tightly place around Kirstie's waist.

Mitch just smiles, and nods, gives Avi another peck. Kevin will totally roll his eyes a lot if he's around. Sometime Mitch feels bad for Kevin. He's surrounded by not one but two horny couples. God bless his innocent soul.

Scirstie leave the room when Mitch's turn to open gifts come. Kirstie just tell him "Open Avi's first, we will give you some privacy", and Mitch can smell the suspension. He turns to face Avi, both hands fold in front of his chest.

"So... Where's my gift, babe?", Mitch looks up at his love, and he just reply him with a smirk.

"Right where our relationship is."

Mitch frowns, but he don't ask anything more. He just gets up, totally knows where to go. Avi follows him. To the guests' room.

Mitch pulls the top drawer out, and there's a small box lays there, lonely. He carefully picks the box up, gives it to Avi.

"Engagement rings in a drawer, huh? Typical romantic films, big daddy.", he chuckles softly, his body heats up with happiness.

Avi shrugs, smiling eyes don't leave Mitch's face, "I led you to find this, so not too typical. Let get it done, anyway?"

Mitch watches his man goes down on one knee, opens the box to reveal two beautiful diamond rings. Avi's voice is gently and lovingly.

"You know, Mitchell, I'm a man of action. I'm not good at talking. But I promise, I will do my best loving you. Will you marry me, and get our relationship out of this dark closet?"

Mitch lightly sobs, tries to hide his watery eyes in his hands.

He don't even has to answer, because surely Avi knows his answer is always yes.


"Yes, Avriel Kaplan. Yes I do."


A/N: Wrote this in 30' while sleepy and still haven't edit this yet. How bad I am lol... I love to write some real soft stories for Mitch, when he's not a sassy queen, not a fabulous tenor, just a boy in a peaceful love. Focus on Mitch is really great, it's great imagining his kind side, his quiet side.

My OTP's still Kavi and Scömìche but trying some other ships is such an experience, too! Don't worry, I'm working on some Kavi's and Scömìche's, they will appear #soon!

Love you. From Myc.


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