Ch 9

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The interview just ended, thank god. Those questions were too much to handle. But there was one that made me feel better. When he asked if I could sing for the radio. Of course I hate singing in public but I agreed. I sang Moving On by Paramore. It expressed how I was over Louis. Yes, yes...... I know what you're thinking. When did I ever get over Louis? Well I'll answer that right now.

I was texting Zayn before the interview to let him know that what happened wasn't getting in the way of our relationship. No we're not dating. But he did ask me to go to the movies with him after my interview so I could calm down. That's when I realized Louis didn't do any of this. He never did things for me to make me feel better. Zayn did. Louis never said sorry when he felt he did something wrong. Zayn did. I was lucky if I heard Louis say sorry once a month. Louis never did anything but give me kisses when I was angry or sad. He treated our relationship like we were friends with benefits and honestly.... Well I don't care anymore. If he loved me then he would have treated me like I was something. If he didn't love me then he did the right thing.

Anyways, I pulled up into a parking space just outside the theater. I walked inside and spotted Zayn. I smiled and he waved. I walked over to him and he motioned for me to follow. I did. He already had pour tickets and drinks since I wasn't allowed to eat popcorn because of modeling which sucked. But oh well. He stopped and since I wasn't paying attention I almost ran into him. I stopped just in time tho. I looked up at the sign to see what movie this was. "Holy crap. Insidious: Chapter 2?! Oh my gosh I loved the first one. I have been meaning to see this one ever since it came out!" I screamed. People were staring so I quieted down. "I know." He grinned. "Sam told me."

We sat down in our seats way in the back at the top row in the middle. Perfect view! Previews were still going and it was getting a little awkward with silence so I decided to talk. "Thank you so much, Zayn!" I whispered. He just nodded and looked the other way. My smile quickly faded. Was he uncomfortable? Did he not want to take me to the movies? Did Sam make him? I sighed. And as if he knew I was upset he started talking again. "Claire, it's not you it's just. Well... Tomorrow is our last day in New York." He said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. "Oh." I said looking down at my hands that were sitting in my lap. "But.... We're thinking of staying here since New York was our last place to perform until our Christmas break." He said nervously. Really? He was going to stay?! Yes!.... I mean. Cool..... I don't like Zayn that way I just think of him as a best friend. I guess. Then I realized what he said. "We're?" I asked. He nodded. I wasn't happy about Louis staying and I knew if he did he was going to get Eleanor to fly down. But I don't care. "Yay!" I squealed. He looked at me with a big stupid grin on his face. This meant Sammy was staying too. Woo hoo! I cheered inside my head.

The movie started. After about 20 minutes I was scared to death but I just couldn't get enough. This is how I am with scary movies. I love all the drama and watching people get killed and be stupid by not turning lights on. But it also makes me not able to sleep for a week. It's worth it tho. Did I mention we were seeing this in 3D? 10 times better. I took a sip of my water without losing contact with the screen. "Don't turn around, you idiot!" I said. Zayn chuckled. Some people shushed us but we didn't care. I giggled a little. "Well I mean you obviously don't have any smarts if you turn around. Just run for it! I would do it." I whispered. I could see a smile form on Zayn's face as he tried not to laugh. "Oh shut up." I whispered while playfully hitting him.

About 45 minutes later the movie was about to end. I kept watching until they kept showing jumpscares. They weren't all that scary until they showed the one part where the guy was right behind him and he instantly like turned into a demon and freaking attacked him. Like it was an instinct I flinched and grabbed Zayn's hand. I was a little embarrassed. I looked to Zayn. He was looking at me. "Sorry." I whispered. I was about to move my hand until Zayn held onto it. "It's ok." He whispered back grinning. I was shocked. Louis usually just tried to make out while watching the movie or he would tell me that the movie was stupid and put his hands in his pockets. But I smiled and kept watching the last 10 minutes of the movie.

Me and Zayn walked out of the doors of Insidious: Chapter 2. Our hands were still intertwined. I kept smiling. I have never been happier than I am now. NO! Claire you can't fall in love with him! It would be wrong. Well not really I gue- no! Stop, Claire. Just be best friends. We got outside the theater. "Well..... I'll see you later, then?" I said looking up at him. He was taller than me. Just by a few inches tho. "You could come back, if you want. I'm sure Sam wants to see you." He said hopefully. I nodded. "But I have to take my car. I'll meet you there?" I asked letting go of his hand. "Of course." He said looking into my eyes. Oh my god Claire! Look away, look away! "Cool!" I said and skipped to my car. Were we about kiss? Oh no! I thought about this the whole car ride. I stopped at my house first to grab a few essentials. I then was on my way to their hotel.



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