Chapter 2

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Cassie left for a photoshoot and somehow I ended up going with her. She always drags me into things. But that's Cassie. Literally the BEST cousin in the world. "We're here." Cassie said. I snapped out of my thoughts and stepped out of the limo. Yea she gets a limo. She has been a model for 6 years. One of the greatest, actually. She is in America's Top 10 Models List. She is at number 4. We walked into a little waiting room. The secretary told us to go that way. We walked through the door and it was just a little office. I was confused. "Just wait." Cassie said. "We have to get permission to go through. It's very secure here. Alot of models are fake wannabes that dress up and try to claim they have an appointment. So we have to get permission from my manager to come through." The man nodded for us to go through. The door handle beeped green meaning we could come in. Immediately all I could see were flashes and interns walking around and cameras and girls complaining about their wardrobe. It was a bit loud but someone walked in front of us blocking the view so I was ok. "Hello Miss Tylers. I assume you're ready for your shoot." Cassidy nodded but then her manager went to look at me. She was staring at me intensely. I was freaked out. "Who is this?" Her manager asked. "Claire Banks. She is my cousin. Is it ok if she is in here? You wouldn't answer your phone so I just brought her here." Cassie said nervously. She must get in trouble alot. "Is it ok? Are you serious? Is it OK? It's more than ok! She is our new model! We have been searching for weeks but now we have found one! We have been one model short ever since Mindy broke the modeling rules!" Her manager said. Cassie looked at me and gave me a devious smirk. Her manager grabbed my wrist and walked me to the dressing room. "Outfit #14!" She said to the stylist and pushing me towards her. The stylist nodded and started immediately undressing me and putting my outfit on. (Her outfit: Outfit #14 ) Before I could say stop she was done. She forced me into a chair and started doing my makeup and hair. I kept trying to say I didn't wanna do this but everytime I tried she would yell at me saying don't move! So I just kept quiet. Pretty soon she pushed me out of the room. "There you are!" Cassie's manager shouted. "So are you British?" She asked. I nodded. "Great!" She exclaimed pushing me onto a British themed couch. "Pose!" The cameraman shouted. I just sat there trying to process what just happened."POSE!" He demanded. I did what he said and it took like what..... 13 seconds? Then I was pushed off and it was Cassie's turn to take pictures. After that we dressed out but were told to keep the outfits. When we got in the limo after about 15 minutes of talking to her manager, by the way her name is Monica Changer, she is now my manager and I'm a model. I'm officially a model. Oh my gosh. Ugh. I guess this could be fun. I started singing under my breath. "What was that?" Cassidy asked. "Oh nothing I was just singing." I mumbled. "Well sing louder." She said. I was nervous but I did it. "I could watch you for a life time. You're my favorite movie. A thousand endings, you mean everything to me. I never knwo whats coming. Forever fascinated. Hope you don't stop runnin' to me, because I'll always be waiting. You are a cinema. I could watch you forever." I sang. Cassidy looked at me stupidly. "I know.... I sing terrible." I said playing with my hands. "Are you kidding?! You're better than... Well.... Anybody! Best singing I have heard in a while. Have you ever thought of writing your own songs or going into a singing career?" She asked. I laughed. "I just got a modeling job! Yea I do write my own songs but nah. They're not that great." I said. The limo pulled up to the hotel lobby and we got out and went up to her room. Since it was 11:34 at night we went to sleep. Talk about the longest and worst day ever. Modeling is alot of work and it's not even the beginning.

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