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"Claire you have a past of punching holes in the walls of every hotel you go to." Sam giggled. It's true. Don't you remember last time? When I got mad about Louis not saving me and about him wasting our relationship so I punched holes in the wall. I felt pain in my hands. They were a bit bloody. Ok alot bloody but that's why tissues were made! Not exactly but still. My hands hurt like crazy. "Sammy my hands hurt!" I whine. "You should have thought about that before you punched a whole in the wall." She said. I rolled my eyes. My phone buzzed. I picked it up and got a text from Monica. Ugh.

Monica Changer:

You have 2 new photo shoots today. I hope you're ready. Be here in 50 minutes.

"Sam can you come with me to my photo shoots? Pleaaaseee!" I begged. "Sure." She said.

"Thank woo!" I squealed jumping up and down. "Let's hurry because we have to be there in a while!" I said.

Pretty soon we were here and Sam got to see a real live modeling studio. Now I was in the dressing room. I got into my outfit which was a really revealing swimsuit. But I guess there are some things you just have to do in modeling. "What is this?" The stylist asked pointing to my body. I looked down at myself. Is she talking about my scars? "You mean the scars?" I asked. "Scars? You cut yourself? Oh deary, you really need to be more secure." She said grabbing a bunch of makeup and patting me up and down where my scars were. "Ugh! I can't cover it up! The only thing that will fix these stupid scars is a spray tan so come over here." She said snatching my wrist and dragging me. Well that wasn't rude at all. But I don't cut anymore so I mean what's the worst thing that can happen? She spray tanned me and pretty soon I was ready to go out. We took like 6 photos. They never tell me what they are doing with them tho. They say magazine and say nothing else. It really leaves me hanging by a thread. I guess I'll find it in a stand in the lobby soon this week. "Got it." The photographer said. I nodded and got dressed back up and went to Sam and Monica. "Your next photoshoot is for Us Weekly." Monica said. "Do you know where that is?" She asked. I nodded once again and took Sam to the car. I started the car and drove off. A few minutes later Sam started yelling at me. "Claire SLOW DOWN!" I looked above the wheel and it said I was driving 95 miles per hour. Oops. "What is your problem?" Sam asked. I didn't know. I honestly don't..... I just have a bad feeling. A bad vibe. I'm a little off right now. "I guess I just feel like something bad is going to happen." I told her. "Yes, because going to a photoshoot for Us Weekly when you have been a model for a week is the worst thing ever. It makes me feel so bad and worried." She said sarcastically. I ignored her comment and kept driving. Few minutes later we were here. I got in and once again I had to immediately get dressed and put on makeup. When I had to pose they made me pose like I was putting my hands up and surrendering. It was pretty cool actually. When we were done me and Sam went back to my hotel. When we got back it was 12:46am. "You wanna go out Claire?" Sam asked. I paused. I wanted to say no but I didn't want to let her go alone. "I know you're tired but beer wakes you right up! Plus a drink might be nice after all that work you had to do. You could get millions of numbers for being a model." Sam said with a grin growing on her face. I smiled but it quickly faded after the thought of Louis. "Look woman, are you coming or not?" She asked playfully. "I guess." I said. "Great! Do you mind if I borrow some of your clothes?" Sam asked running to my room. She knew I was going to say yes so I didn't bother to answer. Me and Sam got ready and before we knew it we were at the club. Alot of guys were staring at me and Sam. But there was one that caught my eye.

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