Chapter 1

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I drug my suitcase along to the airport ticket counter. "Hello miss! Where would you like to go today?" The man asked. "New York, please." I said. Well. In the taxi I had this long sad conversation with my cousin Cassidy about what happened because I knew I couldn't talk to Sam. So when I was done talking Cassie threatened me to stay with her. Not real threats, haha. That's just how me and my cousin play with eachother. Anyways she lives in New York City, New York, so that's where I'm off to! By the way did I mention she is a model? Oh well, I knew she was going to be bigger than me and I'm proud of her. I took the ticket from the man politely. He told me to hurry because the flight was leaving 10 minutes. I didn't have to hurry at all. The New York flight waiting area was literally only up the escalator and then down 8 stores. Yes it's crowded but I think 10 minutes is enough ti- "Flight 134 to New York leaves in 2 minutes." The intercom interrupted me. What? 2 minutes? I might have mistaken him for saying 10 minutes. Dang it! I pushed past other people and ran. I tried not to look crazy but it was kind of hard since I just wasted 1,105 dollars on this idiot ticket. Just as I came up to the doors they were closing them. I put my foot in the way so they couldn't close it. "Sorry I'm late." I panted from running. The 2 guys looked at me crazy and then snatched my ticket away. They looked at it for a few seconds then opened the doors for me. "Thank you." I mumbled. I boarded the plane and took my seat. A12. I took my seat and started reading immediately. "Do I know you?" A guy with a very familiar accent spoke up. I panicked. I know that voice. But who's is it? I looked to my left and saw that guy. It was the bartender. Remember that one night I told you about where the bartender flirted with me and then I ran in on L-. You know what I don't want to be reminded of that. Let's just leave it at that. "No, I don't think you do." I said trying to change my voice and flipping my hair in my face hoping he wouldn't notice. "Ok then." He said looking out the window. Yup he had the window seat. Lucky. I just kept reading my book.


I took a taxi to my cousin's hotel. Yes, I said hotel. She lives in a hotel. She travels alot for modeling but since Christmas and New Year's is coming round she has a bunch of photo shoots here until February. It's only November 28th so hopefully I'll find myself before she has to leave. The elevator stopped and it's doors slowly opened. I stepped out and walked down the hall. Room 308. I knocked on the door and it immediately opened. "Claire!" Cassidy yelled and pulled me in for a hug. She nearly took the living daylight out of me! Gosh for a 98 pound model she has the strength of.... Well.... Louis. Why does everything remind me of Louis!? Ugh. I weakly hugged Cassie back. "Hi." I said letting go after a few seconds. Cassidy pushed me in the door and slammed it closed. "Why are you so mad? You're here with me! Your favorite cousin!" She asked curiously. It's true. She is my favorite cousin. She helped me keep secrets and she was the only one who didn't prank me. "I'm sorry. It's just." I sighed in disappointment. She nodded for me to go on. "Well, everything reminds me of Louis and it hasn't even been a day yet!" I yelled. "Louis? That sounds familiar. I think I knew a guy named Louis when I was 12." Cassidy said. "No you didn't now shut up." I said trying to sound playful but yet trying to make her forget about it. "No! I DID! Louis William...... Louis William...... Louis William something. I just can't put my finger on it." She said trying to recall her memory. "Well that's cool but if you excuse me I need to go unpack!" I said really fast and walking away. I opened a random door that had a paper on it that said 'Claire's Room'. It was pretty nice. Queen size bed with a nightstand that had your boring everyday lamp. The closet was walk-in though, so that helped. I threw my suitcase on my bed and started unpacking. I could feel Cassie's eyes on me from the doorway. I looked and sure enough she was there staring at me with those crazy eyes. I unpacked my last shirt and put my suitcase under the bed. "You know...... our teen years were pretty cool, right?" She asked. I shook my head no and grabbed my book. "What do you mean? You dated THE Louis William Tomlinson!" She exclaimed. I did not want to remember. Can't she understand that? Is she blind or deaf or mental? She has to be something. But she is right. Cassie me and Louis were best friends. Louis and me dated before his fame. We lived 3 houses down from each other. Cassie lived right across the street from me. At 12 Cassie kinda told Louis I liked him and apparently he liked me back. So we dated. He was so sweet then. And hilarious. Every Saturday in the summer we had water balloon fights. Whenever I hit him he would pretend he got shot and flip out. He knew how to make me laugh. We always had sleepovers and he could never keep himself awake so when he fell asleep I would put whip cream on him. He rolls around alot in his sleep. One time he woke up and it ended up all in his hair and covered his face and his chest. He would always just try to eat it. Typical Louis. He would always say I was the best thing that ever happened in his life. Then 2 years later he went to try out for X-Factor. I was so happy he got through but everytime I tried texting him he wouldn't answer. We were still dating, of course. So I was worried. Then he never spoke to me again. Then when What Makes You Beautiful became a hit single the guys got interviewed. The interviewer asked for his opinion on getting formed into One Direction. You wanna know what he said? That it was the best thing that ever happened in his life. Right there is when I knew I was forgotten. I cried for days, weeks, months and pretty soon it came to be a year and I ran away. I took money out of my college fund for meet and greet tickets to a London concert. Louis actually invited me for coffee and of course I said yes. I met the other guys and they were all nice. I can understand why they were the best thing that ever happened in his life instead of me. But pretty soon we started dating again. I never told Louis this. It would have made him go crazy. Then when he cheated on me I got trapped. "Ok Cassie I'll just come right out and say it. He doesn't remember me! He remembers nothing! Not one thing! He doesn't remember our balloon fights. Our Hide And Seek games. Our midnight snacks where we would raid the refrigerator together. He doesn't even remember when we would sneak out at night and go play with the neighbor's dog. Cassie he forgot about me." I said staring at the wall. "Then why did you date him again? He even cheated on you 8 times and you stayed!" She asked. "I..... I couldn't let go of the memories. He was all I had left. He was the only good memories I had. I couldn't let go. I guess I expected the old Louis but I got someone who sold their soul to fame. But I wanted to stay because he reminded me of the only good times I had in life. He was my one and only. My everything. But of course I wasn't a model like Eleanor. I'm not studying in college. I'm not a brunette and I DON'T know how to keep a guy. Louis wants a fit, skinny, smart, brunette haired girl that can handle a relationship." I told her stuttering on every word. "I didn't know Claire, I'm sorry." Cassidy hugged me. I pushed her away. "No, it's ok. Really, it is!" I said putting on a fake smile. She just nodded and walked out of my room, closing the door behind her.

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