"Maybe I should just go home. I might not come back alive."

Even Jane laughed at the male's statement.

"Stop thinking too much Nong. They're all just regular people. No need to be so nervous. Trust me. They don't bite." Jane assured Arthit. Even he was dressed in a suit and was rocking it.

The elevator dinged and all its passengers got off. The first thing they saw was a photo booth where all attendees have to get their photo taken as publicity.

Arthit quietly followed Kongpob who was leading the way and Jane followed from behind.

There were a couple of photographers stationed at the booth. It didn't take long before they were next in line.

Kongpob was relaxed, smiling at the camera, showing why he was a big name in the industry despite his age. Arthit wanted to stay out of the camera's view but the male celebrity dragged him to pose together. He was terrified but it didn't show on his face. Years of practice honed him in having a cool expression.

Although Arthit was not confident in front of a camera, he had the natural skill. He was luckily photogenic and complimented Kongpob's easy-going vibe.

"Smile for us. Yes. Perfect." The camera flashes seemed endless, almost blinding the both of them.

They both posed for the camera until Kongpob's manager put a stop to it with a polite wave at the photographers. The photographers were almost reluctant to put down their cameras. Kongpob and the unknown male beside him were such a good specimen to take photos of.

"Kongpob, who did you bring? Is he a new model?" One photographer asked as the two were about to leave.

Kongpob paused and looked at the man who asked with a polite smile. "No. He's a friend I invited. Play nice guys. He's not used to being in front of a camera. He would rather be behind it."

"I think he has the ability to be a model. You guys look good together." The photographer replied before putting his attention to the next celebrity who just arrived.

Arthit felt like his knees were going to give up after the session with the photographers. He was panicking inside despite the cool composure he projected. Only Kongpob knew how nervous Arthit was. He saw how the older male's hand trembled when he attempted to casually put his hands in his pockets.

"Deep breaths P'. It's over." Kongpob tried his best to comfort Arthit. He was already feeling bad for inviting Arthit when it was obvious that he wasn't comfortable.

"Do you want to go home? I could have P'Jane escort you."

Kongpob felt a pinch on his side. Arthit shook his head and forced a smile. "Stop it. Doofus. I'm fine. It's a bit overwhelming but I'm sure it won't be always like that, right?"

"Just tell me if it becomes too much P'."

Arthit nodded once. "Stop worrying and do what you have to do."

"Nong Kong! It's been so long. Are you hiding from us?" JCM and Bee, two popular radio hosts that are rivals, greeted Kongpob. They both shared a hug with the popular male as their usual greeting.

Arthit stepped slightly behind Kongpob unconsciously. He had always been wary with new people. It takes awhile for him to warm up to strangers.

"Looking good as usual dear. But Kongpob dearest who's this cute little thing? How dare you hide him from us? Didn't you promise to share?" Bee noticed Arthit's little move and gave him a little playful wave.

Kongpob felt a tight grip on his arm. He looked at the hand and saw it was Arthit's. He patted his friend's hand in comfort.

"Guys this is Arthit. He's a friend."

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