“Okay Onii-chan.Cici will take care of him from now on. I’ll use my med kit to heal his pain! I’ll put band-aids in his scars too.”

“Thank you my dearest angel.”

“Cici will become a doctor so no one will become a star!”

“You can’t stop people from becoming stars. It’s a natural thing. Besides, stars are the ones who lights up the world when it gets dark.”


“But I don’t want any person to be sad. I’ll study hard! *looks of determination*

Aaaw. My sister’s really really CUTE!

Somehow, she understood. Thank God! She has a toy med kit at home and also she has a lot of band-aids stored. I don’t know why Father buys him those. I’m glad my sister’s dedicated in pursuing her dream. I’ll support her all the way.

Stars… Yes, I told her that when someone very special to a person dies, he/she transforms into a star.

One starry night, she asked me what those twinkling dots on the sky are. I said they are the people who left the earth. Some stars are bright while some are dim and some are unseen by the naked eye.

One bright star to us can be a dimmed star or unseen star to others. A star’s light depends on how important the person gazing up is to that star. They twinkle as bright as they could to let their loved ones they left behind know that they’re there giving light and hope when life seems dark.

Then we saw a falling star. Cici became curious about that and asked me why stars fall down and vanish.

When the perfect time comes, a star may grant your wish in exchange for its light. It will fulfil your heart’s possible utmost desire. Afterwards, that star will revive as an angel and will live in Heaven together with God.

Stars may be hidden at day and on some nights but I believe they're still there up in the sky watching over their dear ones.

It may be true or not but it’s what I believe in. They say life is full of mystery. But death is even more mysterious.

After classes, Cherry and I went to pick up Gelo and Cici.

When we arrived at their school, I saw Cici blowing Gelo's knees...

"Hey, what happened!?"

Cici answered,  "He tripped while we were running away from a BIIIIIG MONSTER!  *doing a big circle shape using his arms*"

"I--it's nothing, big bro." said Gelo even if from the looks on his face, it's painful.

"Look over there, RashiBear~!"  Cherry pointed on a tree near the bench where we found Cici and Gelo.

When I gaze to the tree, I saw the BIG MONSTER my little sister talks about......it was........

A puppy or may be a teenage puppy ^___^!! A puppy eating Cici's sandwich.

"So that's our suspect huh? It was just a puppy, it can do no harm. Why did you run?"

"It was getting my sandwich *sniffs*. It kept barking at me and won't stop. Then Gelo came shooing the monster but it kept on reaching for my sandwich *sob*"   explained Cici.

"I tried to scare it, big bro. But it suddenly jumped on Cici so we run away then I accidentally tripped."  added Gelo.

Cherry checked Gelo' knees,   "My-my-my... It looks like your bruises will leave a scar."

I carried Gelo home. When we arrived, Cici rushed to get her band-aids then she put several band-aids on Gelo's knees.

His bruises are as small as a 25 centavo coin but my sister stick not just on the bruises but all around the knee! She used all the band-aids in her box, I think if I remember those band-aids counted 20 or more. XD

"Thank you, Gelo. Cici likes you! ^___^" said Cici while looking at Gelo with her beautiful eyes.

Yey! Now they like each other.. Case closed! :)

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