BT21 Store

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"Can we go shopping?" Momo asked all of a sudden while I was busy playing a video game on my phone. I stared at Momo who was still laying on the couch while scrolling through her phone, probably a social media platform like Facebook or Instagram. "Why all of a sudden?" I asked repositioning myself on the sofa I was currently sitting on, "I don't know, it's boring here, I want to go out and do something," Momo replied before sitting up. "Are you still playing those things called video games?" Momo asked, "Yes, why?" I answered. "No wonder mom picked me as the princess and not you, you're so un-lady like," Momo replied as she held her phone up to her face and started fixing her hair. "The only reason she calls you a 'princess' is because you're a slut," I said loud and clear, Momo looked over at me in shock, "Am not!" Momo stated. "Sure you aren't, look at what you're wearing," I replied pointing at her rather revealing dress. "Hmph, you're just jealous I'm able to get a boyfriend," Momo said crossing her arms, "When did I care about your s****y boyfriend?" I asked annoyed. "You can't even get a boyfriend, those looks are going to waste I'm telling you," Momo stated, "But I'm much more prettier," Momo said smiling as if she won a beauty contest. "With that clown makeup I think not," I replied, Momo glared at me, "Psh whatever I just got my nails done so you're lucky I don't want to fight you right now," Momo stated. "As if you'll win with those boobs holding you back," I said standing up, "Let me get changed and I'll let you go shopping," I told Momo and she nodded without any more arguments.

I entered my bedroom and pick out clothes that I wanted to wear. When I figured out what clothes I wanted, I entered the bathroom and started changing.

Your outfit is:

I looked at myself in the mirror, "Yeah, good enough," I said out loud before walking out of the bathroom

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I looked at myself in the mirror, "Yeah, good enough," I said out loud before walking out of the bathroom. I grabbed my mini backpack, "Y/N hurry up!" Momo impatiently shouted from the living. "Shut the hell up or I won't bring you!" I shouted back, I heard a quick pouting noise before it became silent again.

Your backpack is:

I placed everything I needed into my backpack before grabbing my car keys and walking out my bedroom

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I placed everything I needed into my backpack before grabbing my car keys and walking out my bedroom. When I walked into the living I saw Momo taking selfies, I rolled my eyes, "I guess we can just stay here then," I told Momo. Momo looked at me, "You took so long just to wear that?" Momo asked, "I mean you take longer to do that clown makeup," I replied. I made my way towards the front door, "Hurry up," I said impatient, Momo quickly grabbed her "expensive" purse and followed behind me. When Momo was outside I slowly closed the door and locked it. "Stop wasting time Y/N!" Momo shouted with her arms crossed while tapping her foot against the ground. When I finished locking the door Momo and I headed towards my car, "Can we stop somewhere before going to the mall?" Momo asked. "Sure~," I said without care in the world, I only agreed to taking Momo to the mall because there's an arcade in the mall. I got into my car after I unlocked the car, "Where are we going?" I asked, "BT21 STORE!" Momo shouted excited, "What...?" I asked confused. "No way, you don't know BTS?!" Momo asked in disbelief, "BTS? You mean behind the scenes?" I asked unconfident of my answer, "No! Beyond the Scenes!" Momo shouted bouncing uncontrollably in her seat. "Sounds gay," I replied which earned me a slap on the arm, "Shut up! They're so attractive and..." Momo said looking as if she had melted in her seat. "Whatever, just tell me the directions," I told Momo as I rolled my eyes.

~After awhile~

Momo had no sense of directions whatsoever, she would sit there complaining that the route is so different compared to the normal route she takes. Instead of making Momo waste my time with her horrible direction skills, I decided to ask Momo for the address and drove without my useless sister telling me where to go. Using my memory I was able to drive to this "BT21 Store" in no time. I got out of the car, then quickly walked onto the sidewalk, "Hurry the hell up," I commanded my sister impatiently wanting to lock my car. Momo immediately got out slamming the door behind her, I pressed the button on the car key which locked my car. Without any second thought Momo had rushed into the store as fast as lightning, "I wonder what this store has that makes Momo so interested in it," I thought entering the store. As I entered I felt a feeling of slight regret, there were a lot of females along with a few males surrounding shelves and walking around like it was a (day)dream (Hixtape anyone? ~XutieMiako). I carefully tried blending in by moving to a shelf, I stared up at a rather oddly shaped pillow, "A alpaca maybe...?" I thought to myself as I attempted to figure out what it was. Just then someone bumped into me, I turned around but no one was there, I turned my head looking to the side of me as I noticed a group of girls running around like chickens with their heads cut off. "Wow so polite to your elders," I thought as I looked around to spot my annoying little sister, it didn't take me long to see a short girl who was wearing some very revealing clothes. I noticed that Momo was carrying a ton of stuff, "I wonder if 'BTS' is famous," I thought approaching the line of hyped females. I walked up to where Momo was, "Hey is this 'BTS' thing popular or something?" I asked ignoring the fact that people were around me. It seemed that that wasn't a good question to ask since most of the people turned to look at me, "Y/N! You're embarrassing me!" Momo shouted in a whisper. "I don't need to do that, you're already an embarrassment," I replied carelessly as I shrugged. Momo glared at me with flames in her eyes before she could say anything she was interrupted, "Excuse me Miss but do you not know BTS...?" A girl with a plain white t-shirt asked. I nodded, apparently that was also the wrong move because suddenly females started surround me and asking me questions. I stared at them as they started crowding me, they had curiosity written all over them. I smiled before clenching my fist and placing my fist onto my hips, "Haha! See Momo this is how you become popular!" I stated as I felt I had dominated these people due to their curiosity. Momo quickly bought her merchandises, grabbed the bag before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from the crowd. I continued to stand proudly as I followed behind my sister who was dragging me.

I hoped you enjoyed!

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