🔘Chapter 3: Down In The Texas Heat

Start from the beginning

I stepped off the plane and I swear the heat just slapped the shit out of me. I had only taken five steps but, was already sweating buckets. Quickly, I took off my sweatshirt because if felt like I had stepped in Hell.

As I was heading down the escalator I looked around trying to see if they were here to pick me up. When I reached the bottom, I noticed a woman holding up a sign with my name on it. From the smile on her face I could tell she was more excited I was here than me.

"Hey" I spoke gaining her attention

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"Hey" I spoke gaining her attention.

"Oh my goodness you look so much older than in your pictures. Just a spitting image of your father I'll tell ya" she gasped.

"Cool" I mumbled not wanting to discuss my dad with some lady I didn't know.

"I'm your Aunt Lisa. Your mother and I grew up in the same foster home. When she asked me if you could come stay down here with me I was more than happy. The last time I saw you was when you were a baby but, Stella constantly sent me pictures" she spoke with that creepy smile.

"That's sound good and all but, I'm kinda tired after that long ass flight so, can we head out" I sighed.

"Right. I'm sorry, we should head to the house. Just follow me" she laughed.

I nodded and left with her to her car. The whole drive was filled with her talking but, I completely ignored her. All my attention was in my phone. I had to hit up all my girls and let them know I had left. They were sad they wouldn't be getting this good dick anymore.

"Okay we're here" Lisa said pulling me from my phone.

Lifting my head I looked around and we were in the middle of nowhere. I was the only one in the car so, I quickly locked all the damn doors and dialed my mom's number because something wasn't right.

"Hello" she answered.

"I'm not staying here" I hissed.

"Why?" she asked.

"This white lady have me out here in the middle of the woods. I'm not finna be like that nigga from the movie Get Out. They will not be turning my ass into no slave" I told her.

"Your stupid Jaysean. Lisa isn't like that and your staying so, suck it up. Bye" my mom laughed before hanging up.

I smacked my teeth before getting out the car. These white people could try something if they wanted but, I wasn't going down without a damn fight. Taking my things out the trunk I headed toward the house. It was nice or whatever. Kinda looked like it belonged in a magazine.

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