The Boiling Rock: Part 2

Start from the beginning

Suki and Ty Lee ran towards together and engaged into a heated hand to hand combat. Every time Ty Lee tried to chi block Suki she was able to block her attack and throw her off. Lillian stood still before Azula but Mai seemed a bit distant, as if she didn't want to fight.
Azula sent a large ball of blue fire at Lillian which Zuko blocked, "oh, hello Zuzu, I see your back with your traitor girlfriend." Azula teased. Lillian and Zuko both blushed before Lillian sent a ball of white fire at Azula. Lillian and Zuko stood back to back, "What's Mai's deal? She won't attack?" Lillian hissed to Zuko who suddenly looked to the floor, "uh, I have no idea. " Zuko blushed. Lillian raised her brow, "okay?" A blue flame rushed passed Lillian, "Come on, the fire nation Princess against the great Sky Princess, who will win?" Azula cackled. Sokka led his father, Chit sang and the Warden to the gondola, "We need to get out of here!" Sokka called from inside the gondola. Two guards rushed out, "Princess! You must retreat inside, The Crimson Slayer is coming!" yelled a guard. Lillian and Zuko exchanged looks, "What are you talking about?" Azula demanded, before the guard could answer Mai rushed past taking hold of Azula and Ty Lee, "You all need to get out of here!" Mai called to Lillian and the other's, "What's going on?" Suki questioned. Zuko shrugged his shoulder's and pulled Suki and Lillian along, "Let's just get out of here...." Zuko hissed.

Lillian walked slowly behind as Zuko and Suki took off to the gondola. As Lillian dragged her feet she suddenly felt the hair on the back of her neck rise, "I have a bad feeling..." Lillian mumbled to herself. Lillian rushed to the gondola and shut the door. She pulled the lever and then melt the bars off, "LILLIAN! What are you doing!?" Sokka cried in a panic. Zuko gripped the metal railings, "Your girlfriend is crazy!" Chit Sang growled at Zuko. Lillian looked over her shoulder and her crimson eyes met Sokka's. Sokka stared at Lillian and then nodded silently, she had given him the same look at the North pole. Danger was coming and they had to get out of there before it arrived, "keep going! Lillian knows what she is doing. We need to-


"What's happening!!! Why is it rocking so much!!!"

Lillian spun to face the gondola and remained in a firm stance.

The sound of large wings flapping filled the dead silence air. The steam thickened around Lillian causing the heat to become more intense. 

"Do you know how long I've waited for this moment..." a deep male voice said.

There was a gust of wind and the steam disappeared. Lillian saw that the wheel of the gondola was bent over the wire so that it couldn't move. Lillian closed her eyes and listened. She heard the small waves at the bottom of the boiling lake, the distant cries of the dolphincrabs and the sound of fire approaching her. Lillian's eyes shot open and flipped over the large green flame that came from her attacker, "Lillian!" Zuko's voice called from the gondola, "I'm okay! Just don't do anything stupid!" Lillian called back.

"You will not leave here alive..." The voice growled. Lillian stood tall, "Who are you?" Lillian asked calmly. A large figure landed with a hard thud behind Lillian. The man was large, his arms hung at his sides as he stepped towards her. His wings looked dead, as if he was molting, "My name will never meet your tongue, only my cursed name... The Crimson slayer." The man stood now fully before Lillian. he was three heads taller than her but his age seemed in his 30's. Lillian's eyes widened, "It's you.... your the one who-

(Just picture this guy on muscle juice please)

(Just picture this guy on muscle juice please)

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