Chapter 19: A Doctor Needed

Start from the beginning

"Wow Mycroft I didn't know you cared!" Sherlock said sarcastically back. John gave Sherlock a stern look. He knew he shouldn't have said that, he was lucky enough he even said it to him in the first place. After John gave him that look Sherlock looked down and muttered "Thank you." To Mycroft.

Mycroft smirked "Your welcome Sherlock. And as for the second thing I need to talk to John about that privately. If you don't mind Doctor Watson?" John looked back at Sherlock then at Mycroft. "Not at all." Mycroft walked out of the room and so did John. But before John did he reassured Sherlock that he would only be a second.

The two talked right outside the door of the hospital room. Sherlock tried his hardest to listen to what they were saying curious to what it could be that Mycroft wouldn't want him to hear. But now that he was alone he realized there was a problem. He had to go to the bathroom again.

Now normally he would just get out of bed and go but now he was hooked up to three different things in the room. One was attached to his chest, another on his hand and another was the IV. He was trapped to this bed which was a problem for him and his bladder which would stop telling him it was there.


Mycroft and John talked outside the room about you guessed it, The Doctor. "John this man isn't to be trusted! We already saw that he messed up Sherlock! What are we to do? Hope he makes it better again? I'm telling you, let me make a couple of phone calls and I'll have Sherlock studies in one of the finest hospitals." Mycroft argued.

John shook his head. "He may have messed up this time but when Sherlock was taken that man helped me. He may be a bit mad but he's the only hope for what ever the hell is happening to Sherlock. I already had Rory call him. He should be here soon."

Mycroft nodded. "How's he holding up?" He asked seeming surprisingly genuine. "Not so well. He's running a 102 fever that won't seem to go down. It seems like the longer he's like this, the sicker he's getting." John said a bit sadden.

"What happened back at Buckingham Palace? I left you guys there for one second and then....that happened." Mycroft asked. "Sherlock's mind is still stuck as a little kid. His bigger mind is fighting to stay but every now and again his little mind takes over. He never realizes he had to go to the bathroom until it's too late." John explained.

Mycroft nodded "Well I'm happy he has you Doctor Watson because I wouldn't know what to do with him." John smirked. "Are you going to stay?" John asked. "I think he would feel more comfortable with you in this situation if you were around more." Mycroft thought about it for a bit and nodded. "I guess, if you feel it's best for brother dearest."


The two walked into the room to find Sherlock shaking alittle bit and trying to take off all of the wires on him. John quickly walked over to the side of the bed stopping him. "Sherlock no! You have to keep these on." But Sherlock started to fight with John. "I don wat to be tied up!" He said starting to sound little.

He kept fighting with John until his brother spoke up. "Sherlock you stop this instant and listen to John!" Mycroft said sternly. Sherlock instantly stopped. He had never had Mycroft speak to him like that before and frankly he didn't like it. John helped put the wires back on Sherlock while he was distracted.

John leaned over and whispered to Sherlock, asking him what was the matter. Sherlock was still fidgeting a bit which started to look a bit more and more obvious what was happening. John looked at Mycroft who didn't know what to do in this situation. "Mycroft couldn't you go down to the cafeteria and grab Sherlock and I some dinner?" Mycroft nodded silently thanking John as he left the room.

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