Chapter 28 - Opening Night

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During tech week (when we added the lights and sound effects), Natalee had chosen to give me the cold shoulder. Fine by me. Before I knew it, I was getting into my costume while members of the audience were being seated. 

This was it. The big day.


I was excited, yes, but also scared out of my wits. What if I entered too early? Too late? What if I had to sneeze or cough or something on stage and couldn't keep it in? What if I tripped? Accidentally fell into the orchestra pit? What if my stomach growled into the microphone? What if? What if? What if??

My hands were clammy and I couldn't stop my breath from being shaky. If I had had solos, they would've been awful. 

The cast stood in a circle around the piano and did seven or eight warm-ups and five or six tongue-twisters. One of my favorites was "Irish wristwatch."

I took some deep breaths and tried to steady my racing heart. Carter mentioned that I was going pale. 

"What if I mess up?" was all I could say hoarsely to try to sum up my fears. 

"You'll be fine. The audience will love you. Don't be nervous! Get excited!!" To demonstrate his own excitement, Carter decided to skip around the entire room. 

I laughed, feeling the weight of the nerves lift off of my shoulders a little. Carter was about to say something when -


"Thank you, places," the cast responded in unison.

NO! NOT YET! I'M NOT READY! my mind raced.

At the beginning, I simply sat backstage. I prayed that what we had run nonstop for the last week would show today. 

Robert's voice came over the loudspeaker, telling everyone to turn off their cell phones. 

The overture began to play. 

Here we go...








I snuck into the wings as Natalee began to sing. I smoothed my hair, which had been straightened and curled at the ends in the green room. I straightened my hat for the umpteenth time. Quiet "break a leg"s were breathed as my cue came up. I now understood that it meant "good luck." How strange. 

I was physically trembling when I stepped onto the stage, and the instant I did, the nerves were gone. I transformed into Eponine, who was not afraid of anything. The audience laughed when Madame called my hat blue, which just energized me even further. 

My energy came from the audience. They applauded when Madame and I exited the stage, and I high-fived her when we were out of sight. If we had been allowed to talk, I would've shouted how amazing it went. Instead, I let the adrenaline out by jumping up and down a hundred times. 

Carter rushed to me and whispered knowingly, "Good performance?"

I could tell the question was rhetorical, but I nodded vigorously anyways. 






"Good show everyone!!" Robert exclaimed after curtain call. "Only one performance today, so go home, get some rest, drink water and be prepared for three shows tomorrow!"

"Yes! We will!" everyone chorused. 

Three more shows!

Excited as I was, I was exhausted, too. I was ready to get rest. It made me glad that the run was far from over. 

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