Chapter 24 - There is a Castle on a Cloud

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I rose feeling invigorated.

Making my way to the stage door once again, it dawned on me that I had had nothing to do during the read through. But I soon remembered that we planned to run Castle on a Cloud today, so my energy was renewed.

I proudly strode in, showing off my new outfit. Most of the cast didn't notice at all.

But Carter did.

"Wow! Nice outfit!" he exclaimed.

"Thanks," I thanked him. I did a little twirl. We giggled.

The giggles were cut short by the sour presence of a certain young Cosette.

"Where'd you get that?" Natalee asked flatly. "You probably had to steal it, didn't you? No way could you ever afford something like that. I, on the other hand, have clean clothes every single day."

Carter was fuming by now. "Back off, princess! No one cares!"

"On the contrary," Natalee smirked, "everyone cares. You just don't want to admit that you do too." And with that, she frolicked off.

"Ughhhh," Carter grumbled. I agreed.

The director called us to the piano to do warm-ups. He told us we were to separate into groups, one group learning the blocking (a new word I'd learned - it meant where we would be and when in the stage; the movements) to Look Down (beggars), one learning the blocking for the opening number, Look Down (convicts), and the four of us needed to run the music to Castle on a Cloud.

I wandered to where the four Castle on a Cloud actors were consolidating. There was me, Natalee, the woman playing Madame Thénardier (whose name I'm pretty sure was Victoria) and her understudy (whose name I hadn't learned yet).

Jacob was with our group. He said we'd just be running the music, and that both the actor and the understudy should sing their part. I pulled out my script, failing to recall all of the words.

Jacob began to play, and Natalee and I sang together.

"There is a castle on a cloud. I like to go there in my sleep. Aren't any floors for me to sweep. Not in my castle on a cloud. There is a room that's full of toys. There are a hundred boys and girls. Nobody shouts or talks too loud. Not in my castle on a cloud. There is a lady all in white. Holds me and sings a lullaby. She's nice to see and she's soft to touch. She says, 'Cosette, I love you very much.' I know a place where no one's lost. I know a place where no one cries. Crying at all is not allowed. Not in my castle on a cloud."

"Beautiful," Jacob said, withdrawing his fingers from the smooth keys of the piano. "Any particularly challenging parts?"

I was about to mention the part staring with "There is a lady all in white," but Natalee beat me to speaking (of course).

"I know the entire thing by heart. I think it's all perfect. However, I think Hailey should work on the whole thing. She doesn't sing it right."

"Natalee! How rude! Hailey is a wonderful singer, and you need to respect that. She just has a different approach to the song than you. If you continue to be mean to Hailey, you will be asked to leave the show. Do you understand?" Jacob snapped.

Natalee, for the first time in her life, was speechless. She simply nodded.

"Good." Jacob said sternly. "Now. Again from the top."

We did just that, though I made a point of singing quieter. I knew Jacob was just trying to make me feel better by saying I was a "wonderful singer," but we all knew Natalee was right. We were all thinking it; she just was the only one who said it.

We ran it many times, and I started to get the hang of the notes. I started to feel more comfortable and felt obliged to sing louder again.

At the end of rehearsal, Lizzie let me know that there was a vocal teacher scheduled to come help out a few of us with extra training on Friday, which was two days away. I was both excited and scared.

I recalled Natalee saying the word "nervous." Was that the name of the feeling? If so, I was both excited and nervous. It was a suitable word.

I trudged out of the theater, once again, into the rain. I couldn't find Carter, since he had been in a different group and exited a different way.

I was on my own in the rain.

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