Chapter 33 - Hailey

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I stayed silent a moment after hearing his story. 

I wasn't sure what to say. 

I opened my mouth to try to say something, but I was interrupted. 

"Listen up, everyone!" Robert called.

The room muted. 

"The reporters of CBS News are here to interview some of the cast before our next show. If any of you are interested, come on over when you have time and they'll ask you questions. That is all, thanks!"

Everyone resumed talking. Carter looked at me. "Wanna go over there? I'm sure they'd be interested in you," he said.

"Only if you go, too," I replied with a smirk. 

He laughed and we made our way to the cameras. 

"Hello! What are your names and roles in the show?"

Carter went first. "I'm Carter McCray, and I play Gavroche." He swung his arms to gesture to me. 

"I'm Hailey Cabaret, and I play Young Epo- Cosette."

The camera was set so it faced the both of us. A little green light lit up on it. 

"This is Garrett Fox, reporting live at the Broadway Theater in New York City. I have here with me two of the youngest members of the cast, Carter and Hailey." said the reporter into the camera. He stepped to the side. 

"So, Hailey, why is it you hesitated when you told us your character?"

Deciding this was like a performance, I smiled the whole time for the camera. "Well, I used to play Young Eponine, but just before the show, the girl playing Young Cosette was..." I chose my words carefully, "...unable to stay in the show, so the role was handed to me."

"Interesting. Carter, how would you describe Hailey's first performance as Young Cosette?"

Carter answered right away. "Easy. She's phenomenal. I can't believe this is her first show!"

"First show on Broadway, you mean?"

"No, first show ever!"

"Wow." Garrett nodded. "So how was it, Hailey, that you were able to get onto Broadway with no theatre experience whatsoever?"

I took a breath and told him everything, starting with sitting in a tree and seeing the article fly past. Garrett intervened sometimes with questions about details, which I answered. 

In the end, Carter and I had to leave to get to places. We thanked Garrett and performed once again. It went just as well the second time, only, I wasn't as nervous. 


Night fell, and as the sun sank, I slept. I was up bright and early, ready to have three performances. 

Each performance wore me out physically, but energized my mind with the pleasure of applause. 

That night, I walked hand-in-hand with Carter back outside. He waited with me for Rebekah to pick him up, as a small crowd of audience members were still exiting the theater. I looked at their faces, all of which were smiling. 

"Look," I whispered. "They loved it,"

I heard the smile in his voice. "Yes, they did."

I continued to look at the crowd.

I jumped.

"What is it?"

I didn't answer. I dropped his hand and ran into the crowd. 

"Hailey!!!" I called. "Hailey!!"

One of the women with her back to me turned around. 

It was really her.

"Oh my gosh!!" she exclaimed. She lifted me up off the ground in a hug. "You were wonderful!! I missed you so much!"

"Thanks!" I exclaimed. 

"I saw your name in the program," she winked, "Wonder who you named it after."

Carter approached slowly. 

"Nice job, kiddo," Hailey acknowledged him. He thanked her, then walked off with a woman who was probably Rebekah.

"Where were you??" I asked Hailey in a pleading sort of way. 

"I'm so sorry I had to leave so abruptly. See, the call I got was letting me know I couldn't afford the rent. So I went to my mom's house in New Jersey, but she was also on the verge of losing her home to tax collectors. I saw you on the news and came here as fast as I could. I missed you and I wish I could've told you were I was going, but I honestly didn't know."

I kept the conversation going. "So, where do you work now?"

Hailey sighed. "I don't. No one worth working for wants to hire me."

I thought a moment.

"You know, I get paid to be in the show. I have a bank account; I'd be willing to buy your apartment back for you. If I have enough."

She looked at me sympathetically. "Oh, hun, I couldn't ask you to do that for me. I'll get by."

"No, I insist. I honestly don't know what better thing to spend it on than a place for us to live."

Hailey had tears brimming her eyes. "Are you sure?"

I smiled. "Positive."

Hailey hugged me again. 

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