Chapter 15 - Callback List

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I felt confidence rushing through me. I was practically guaranteed that role!

But the moment I walked out of the theatre, it all evaporated, and the things I had done wrong dawned on me and seemed to outweigh the upsides.

Who was I kidding? My voice had cracked, loudly, and I now knew it was a hard thing to get into if you couldn't sing. My acting might have been ok, but I'd never danced before and had certainly never taken any classes. If my luck hadn't run out, maybe I wouldn't even get a callback! That would be good.

I think.

But if they didn't want to see anymore, that basically meant I hadn't made the final cut.

I decided to stay close to the theatre for the next few days, mostly because it eased my fears slightly about the callback list, knowing I'd be one of the first to see it.

The days dragged on. Looking for food was a challenge, as usual, but it was the highlight of most of my days, to be honest.





At last, it was Monday.

The rising sun's glare pushed through my eyelids, and I groggily opened them.

Oh yeah... the callbacks are posted today...


I sat up so fast that I whacked my head on a low branch.

Only pausing for a second to re-orient myself, I sprang up and made a beeline for the door.

An enormous group of people were already crowded around a small white sheet of paper fluttering against the door. I joined the back of the crowd, attempting to push my way through but giving up quickly. It seemed to be moving fast enough, anyway.

My heart leaped in my chest. Wanting to know so badly if they were considering me these past few days seemed silly now. I wasn't sure I wanted to know anymore. Maybe it was best if I just walked away now before seeing the list have Natalee's name on it but not mine and having my feelings crushed. Maybe I should just walk away and avoid the pain.

But before I knew what was happening, I was at the front of the crowd, blocked in on all sides with no way to escape.

May as well look.

My heart raced; I could feel it pounding in my ears.

I skimmed the list.

"Abbson... Angler... Bettman... Bets..." I muttered to myself as I scanned the page.

I skipped to the C's, remembering my last name was Cabaret.




Guess which name was the very first C?

I beamed.

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