Chapter 29 - Pay Day

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At the end of the day, I was psyched. I'd never felt so happy in my life before!

My mood was brought to the maximum when I got my first paycheck. 

Two. Hundred. Dollars. 

I held the little check in my hand like it was treasure. I made my way to a bank, where I cashed it. The bank teller looked at me suspiciously, but reluctantly cashed it anyway. 

Two. Hundred. Dollars. 

I stored the brand-new cash in my shoe, then decided that was a bad place to keep it. So I arrived back at my favorite thrift store and found a cute little wallet. I also came upon the most adorable skirt I'd ever seen! It was a silky, sky blue color that shone in the light of the display.

I counted my money, which was mostly in tens, and came up with $202.91. I didn't let the clerk see it all, in case she suspected I had stolen it or something, and handed her the money she needed. I got another plastic bag that she put the items in, and I tucked the rest of my money in the bag before coming back out.

Back outside, I sorted my money in order from smallest to biggest. I put the coins in the zippered pocket and the bills in the biggest one. I put on my skirt and put the wallet in its pocket.






For the next year, I played Young Eponine for crowds of nearly 2000 people a night. I loved doing it, but I suddenly felt like I had such a small role. No singing lines, just two scenes...

Not that I'm complaining. This was the life!

I did ask Robert if I could be in the ensemble. "It would mess with the blocking we have so far; I'm sorry," was his response.

But, like I said, it was okay with me. Life was sweet. I cherished every second of the lights in my face while everyone else watched what I could do. 

Little did I know that this was just getting started.

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