Chapter 17 - Dance Auditions

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"Alright everyone, if you are under 18, come to the stage!" Lizzie chirped excitedly.

Carter and I, plus about a hundred others joined Lizzie on the stage silently.

"M'kay! So! There are two dances in this show! One is to the Wedding Chorale. In this one, there's a short ballroom dance. So everyone, pick a partner!"

I looked around. Everyone seemed to be pairing with whoever was next to them, no matter who they happened to be.

I glanced to my left and right, searching for someone who wasn't shying away from me. Everyone without a partner around me chose others; I caught a few staring at me.

My heart skipped a beat when I realized who was missing.


That's a relief.

It seemed like the only people left were me and Carter. Something made me want to choose him immediately; something else told me to pick anyone but him.

He looked at me and turned a little pink.

"Care to join me?" I asked casually.

He smiled a little before taking my hand.

Chills ran up my spine.

What was with all these weird feelings lately? First the mild fear, now this...

"Ok! Here's how the dance goes!" Lizzie said, taking the hand of someone I didn't know. "This is the choreographer, Leroy Foster. He'll be here to teach you the steps!"

"It's a simple ballroom dance," Leroy explained. I noticed a hint of a British accent inflicted in his voice.

"Ready, a-one two three a-four five six..." he muttered while stepping in a boxlike pattern. Lizzie stepped opposite him.

"Understand? Any clarifications?"

It seemed simple enough; I just hoped it really would be.

"We'll do it as a group, then separate into groups of five pairs and see it. Got it?"

"Got it!" we chorused.

I took Carter's hand and put the other on his shoulder the way Lizzie had with Leroy. Carter put one hand on my waist.

"Ready! And! A-one two three, a-four five six..."

Right forward, left side, right back, left side... I thought to myself.

Once I got into the rhythm of it, it was fairly simple. Carter stumbled over his feet a bit, so I tried to lead.

"A-four five six, okay! Let's break into groups!"

We pulled away from each other awkwardly as Leroy chose his first group.

"Ready Rob?" Leroy shouted up to the booth. So that's where he went.

"Yeah... give me their numbers!" Rob's voice shouted back.

One at a time, the dancers did just that. They danced for about fifteen seconds and then Leroy called the next group.

Eventually, Carter and I were in the group.

"58!" I shouted.

"57!" Carter shouted.

The others shouted their numbers as well.

"Ready, a-one two three..."

We danced.

I was actually relieved when it began, knowing the dance wasn't too complicated after all. I guess finally being judged on it made me believe it was true.

Not too hard, I thought when we finished.

The adults went up to dance to Master of the House. Leroy taught them what was definitely more complicated than the ballroom dance; with leg crossing things and kick lines and things. They were also asked to ballroom dance for a few counts.

When we finished, we all sat back down. Robert broke the eerie silence after a while by announcing what we would be doing next. I guessed that there were no cuts during callbacks, but it was all or nothing.


I know, I know... I can't cut details IT'S IN MY PERSONALITY

Next chapter soon to come!

((mmkay how many of you ship Cailey?? How many??))


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