Chapter 9 - A Few Announcements

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"Hello everyone! And welcome!" the man said. He was wearing a black and white tuxedo and had an impressive handlebar mustache. "I'm Robert Redford, the director of the third revival of Les Miserables on Broadway!"

I was blown away. That black thing in his hand magnified his voice so it echoed all around the theatre! It was amazing!

"That microphone is really squeaky and dull. They should get a better one," Natalee muttered.

I assumed the black thing was a "microphone."

I felt like I didn't at all belong here. Everything within eyesight was shiney and new and clean. As for me, I looked like something the cat dragged in.

I looked around me to see that the entire theatre was packed. If every single one of these people was auditioning, well... I felt my confidence sink to the pit of my stomach like a rock.

"Everyone say 'hello' to our accompanist, Jacob!" Robert declared.

The one sitting at the piano, who must have been Jacob, waved at the audience.

We cheered again.

"This is our stage manager for this production, Lizzie Hooper!" he gestured to the woman next to him. She had dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and was wearing black framed glasses. She was probably in her early 20s. She was wearing a navy blue knit sweater over a white tee with skin-tight jeans. "She will be helping us run auditions today!"

Another cheer from us!

"Now, a quick overview of what we're going to do today. First, I'm going to call up females ages 6-12 to sing on line of Castle on a Cloud, which I will assign. I'll let you know how it goes if you don't know it."

"I know the whole thing," Natalee bragged to anyone who was listening.

"Then, we'll call all males ages 6-12 to sing one line of Little People for us. Then the teen girls, ages 13-20, to sing one line of On My Own. Then the males 13-20 will sing one line of Empty Chairs at Empty Tables for us. After those have gone, the adult females over 21 will sing one line of I Dreamed a Dream. Lastly, males over 21 will be asked to sing one line of Who Am I. Clear to everyone?"

There were murmurs and shouts of "Yes!"

"Good, good. Ready?" Robert was very enthusiastic about this, I could tell.

There were murmurs and shouts of "Yes!"

Déjà vu much?

"Ok! If you have any questions, please ask them at the end of this audition. Now! May I have all the 6- to 12-year-old girls up on the stage with me please? Bring your packet, resume and headshot with you please."

I guess that's me!


Predictions? ;)


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