Chapter 23 - Shopping

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That night, I visited one of my most reliable sources of income - the fountain. It's in the shape of a large crane, the water spewing from its mouth and eyes. It's not so creepy once you get used to it.

Coins of all sizes and colors lay at the bottom of the fountain, the water shimmering above them, so clear and crisp.

I reached my hand into the chilly water and scooped up a few coins. I let the water seep through my fingers and let the dew on the coins drip off before drying them with my shirt.

The money I had stored in the toes of my shoes I extracted to count. I had a five and two one dollar bills, plus many coins that added to be nearly another five dollars. That was almost fifteen dollars I had!

Sitting on the street curb, I thought long and hard about what I needed the most.



More money?

More clothes?

A source of heat?

I mulled over my options.

Well, as for food, I seemed to be getting along okay. I always managed to find something.

As for water, the creek supplied me with plenty, though it wasn't always clean. And even if I bought a water bottle, it would be gone in a few days. I didn't feel it was worth it.

I can always use more money, but I can't use money to buy money. I could save it all until I could afford a hotel room to live in or something, but that may not be the best option in the meantime.

I looked down at what I was wearing. I couldn't remember the last time I had changed my clothes, though I knew it was less than a year ago. A new outfit was overdue.

My heat source was the blanket from Hailey, which was holding up well so far. I loved Hailey and wondered, once again, where she had wandered off to.

I snapped back into reality and remembered what it was I was trying to do. I decided my best option was some new clothing.

I quickly glanced at the time and kept it in mind as I tried to find a boutique that was still open.

I browsed around until I found a shabby-looking thrift store. However, the '50% Off Everything!' sign caught my eye. Looking in the window, it seemed like the place to find something I could wear.


I was the only customer.

A loud, obnoxious bell clanged over my head as I pushed open the door. The lady at the cash register, who was bony and had her hair in a tight bun, glanced up at me and raised her penciled eyebrows. Her black eyes looked at me strangely behind her horn-rimmed glasses.

I chose not to say anything and to simply start looking in the kid section. I found the prettiest t-shirt and the cutest hat, but both were too expensive.

I soon settled on a pair of boot cut jeans, a white tee and a long-sleeve harlequin half-sweater (which I fell in love with and was excited to see was only two dollars!) that totaled just over ten dollars. I gave the clerk my money, mostly coins, and she looked at me pathetically and counted out every penny.

I waited until she was done, since she took her time sorting the coins and putting them in place. I waited patiently, though I was über excited to put on my new clothes. She handed the outfit to me in a plastic bag, and out I went into the chilly air. 

I snuck into a McDonald's and pushed my way through a crowd of people to get to the restroom. After waiting in line a bit, I closed myself into a stall and changed. 

I wasn't exactly sure what to do with my old clothes. I held them in my hand for a moment before deciding I didn't need them anymore. They were small, filthy and torn. They were halfway out of my hand and into the trash can when my muscle twitched and I caught them in a pang of anxiety of what would happen if I were to throw these away. I could, after all, wash them in the creek and I could wear them again if absolutely necessary. So I stuffed them into the plastic bag that my new outfit had come in and took it back with me. 

I chose to sleep on top of my blanket instead of under it to keep my clothes from getting muddy. I'd want them clean at my next rehearsal. 

As I closed my eyes, a twitch of a smile crept onto my face as I imagined what Natalee's face would look like tomorrow.

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