Chapter 30 - Goodbye and Good Riddance (oh and Happy Birthday)

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At long last, it was October 7th. 

I approached Carter, eager to tell him what day it was. 

"Guess what?"


"I'm nine today."

Carter smiled. "Happy birthday!"


And, because this is Carter we're talking about, he didn't leave it at just that. 

"Hey! Guess what!" he shouted, "It's Hailey's birthday!!"

The room was silent for a moment before someone pulled out their iPhone and tapped the screen four times. Each time it was tapped, a note slightly higher than the last played. It sounded almost like a ringtone. 

Without any warning whatsoever, everyone chose one of those four notes and sang in perfect harmony: 

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Haileyyyyyyyy... Happy birthday to you!"

Wow. Impromptu four-part harmony singing. I was impressed. 

As they sang, I felt myself starting to blush. It was sweet yet awkward. 

When they finished, everyone clapped and cheered.

Then they went back to minding their own business like nothing had happened at all.

I discerned Natalee glaring at me in the mirror. I chose to ignore it.

Carter turned to face me again. "So! Any special plans today?"

"Not specifically," I told him. 

"How about performing as Young Eponine twice?"

I laughed. "Yes! That's special all right!"

There was a short rehearsal before our performance. We warmed up (though Jacob mentioned that our harmony warm-up we'd already done, which made us laugh), changed into our costumes, then worked through a few of the scenes that needed the most work. Natalee and I changed at the same time, and she still was ignoring me. Silent Natalees are better than annoyingly boastful Natalees. 

When Carter was summoned by Lizzie to rehearse one of his scenes, Natalee approached me. 

"Hi," I ventured.

She ignored my greeting. "I don't like you."

"You've made that pretty clear," I mentioned coolly. 

"You shouldn't be here."

I decided to play along. "And why's that?"

Her face turned as red as a tomato. "You know what? Just leave. No one wants you here; you know that! You have no talent! Pity. That's why the director casted you. Because he felt bad for you. He doesn't know when someone doesn't have talent. You can't sing, you can't act, and you can't dance. You're just some garbage off the street! That stupid director doesn't want people like you in a PROFESSIONAL show. You disgust me. You're nothing but a-"

She stopped. The room had gone silent and there was a hand on Natalee's shoulder.

The hand of Lizzie.


Natalee looked up at Lizzie, an innocent look plastered onto her face. I sensed a hint of guilt and... was that fear?

"Natalee, bullying is not tolerated in this theatre."

Natalee only stared.

"Don't think I haven't seen you. You've been picking on Hailey for quite some time. This? This crosses the line. You've been warned. Multiple times. And now is when I have to ask you to leave this theatre." Lizzie's voice was calm but firm.

"W...w-w-w...huh?" Natalee stammered.

"As I said, you were warned. I do not wish for you to participate in this production any longer. Return your costume to me. I will call your mother to have her pick you up."

Natalee stared for a moment longer, then a tear began to slide out of her eye. She walked calmly back up the stairs, every pair of eyes following her.

Lizzie was steamed, I knew, yet she hardly let on. No one spoke until Natalee came back down, holding her costume in her fist. She shoved it at Lizzie.

"Here." Natalee bit the word. Lizzie took it and escorted Natalee out the stage door. It closed behind her.

There was a short mute moment.

Lizzie pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back, and, finally, let out the tears I had been holding back for so long.

She was gone.

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