Jade had spoken to Val and they spoke of Alyssa it brought a snarl to her lips. Val new how she felt about the girl. She said give her a try and she would when the girl tried to stop stealing her mate. She was glad to hear someone was rooting for her. Felt like Val was the only one. Jade still hadn't been alone with or talked to Erin. Not with Lyn attached to her 24/7. Jade wanted Lyn to feel safe and comfortable.

When Jeremy and Val said they take Lyn for a bit. Jade hesitated, yes her pup liked them, and yes her pup was okay with them, that however was when she was near by. She rarely left Lyn with people even when she worked in the city Lyn went to work with her more often then not. She went to Hand Lyn over and Lyn went and looked at her grandfather then mother with a whine. She wanted Jade back. Jade leaned down and spoke soft words in her ear. Which spoken sounded odd, but Jade had taught her 3 year old Gaelic. Lyn was smart and picked up every word Jade said to her, she could only reply in a few words, but understood her mother perfectly. Jade had said" I love you my flower be back soon. Be good." She kissed Lyns head and stepped back. Jade was freaking out on the inside of leaving her pup behind. She walked out with Erin and cringed at Lyn screaming for her mom. Most of the pack groaned for them to shut the kid up.

Jade wanted to go back, but she couldn't yet. Her heart hurt and was pounding as she looked back at the house. She didn't want to be away from Lyn for to long. She kept her arms around her. Taking a mother from her pup was probably not the best thing. Jade walked with Erin in silence. He started pulling her from her thoughts." It's nice to be back." She said simply. It wasn't a total lie, it was nice to be back, she was still slightly uncomfortable as the day she came here more then 3 years ago. The ring around her neck swung and she held it in her hand moving it side to side a nervous habbit she had picked up." Things happen, no need to apologize." She said and looked at him glad to be back here with you and the rest of the pack, Lyn Likes it here she just a little more cautious is all." Jade said."She likes you. She told me the other night at bath time. she said." and I quote I hope to have a daddy like him someday. So I told her you were her father. She seemed pleased and just nodded her head and kept bathing." Jade said. She smiled and looked down shaking her head. She wasn't sure how else she could mend this or break the tension between them. Their wolves were definitely chomping at the bit to be connected with its mate once more. " So... Whats been going on in your life? you can spare me the things I could live with out knowing" Jade said. she was hinting at Alyssa. Her mind tried to forgive that but couldn't still. He told her, they got closer as he talked and they walked.

Jades hand slipped into his and she sighed as he asked her about her life."Hmm let me see. I was pregnant when I showed up to the city. No money, no clothes, nothing. A nice older gentleman took me in and clothed me. He had kids and well they didn't visit any more so he wanted to share stories with me. He was rich so working was not a issue. I just sat and talked the day and night away with him. About life and things we wished to do. He was very kind. He never questioned my pregnancy nore when I came to the house one night with a beautiful baby girl in my arms after only being 4 months pregnant. He just took it, said I don't want to know, all I know is I trust you and I can't let a child stay out in the cold. He died a few months later leaving Lyn and I everything. All I did was stay and talk to the old man. We sold the house and moved to an apartment. I saved the money and got a job as a model, my boss helped out and well Lyn spent every day with me after that. She is small for her age. I do hope she grows a bit more before turning 5. So I work a lot and well yeah that's all I did besides give my everything to Lyn. I was distracting myself from my real problems as don would say the old man. He was really awesome." She said of the found memory of the man. she looked up and apologized. "Erin look I was going to come back, I just had to learn to live with what I was, what I did and who I was. I didn't know who I was, Maybe I still don't." Jade sighed and stopped walking. She let out a slow breath and closed her eye's. Jade felt tears in her eye's. She wrapped her arms tightly around herself for comfort. It had been all she had, sometimes even Lyn couldn't push away the depression. She rarely cried and for her to do so in front of her mate was also rare. She never did it before. Her daughter really had changed her a lot. She felt his arms slip around her. Jade turned and buried her face into her Mates chest his scent filled her nostrils.

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