“Jeremy what are you doing?” I question, trying not to let my voice tremble. “Was this all your doing?” I raise my handcuffed hand and gesture around the building with the other.

“Well of course sweetheart. I had to get you back to me somehow.” I eye him as he comes closer, not trusting him, and fearing what he is capable of if this was his idea. “I wouldn’t have had to go to such extremes if you hadn’t run away from your destiny.” He reaches out a hand towards my face and I flinch away. Anger flashes in his eyes, making them darken.

“Don’t touch me Jeremy.” I cringe internally as my voice wavers slightly.

“I will touch what belongs to me Camille.” He growls, and caresses my face with more force then necessary.

“I don’t belong to you Jeremy.” His eyes narrow at my defiance, and he cups the back of my head, leaning in as if to kiss me. I hiss in pain. He leans back looking at his hand, which has some blood on it. He quickly inspects my head, jerking it forward so he can see where I was hit. I whimper.

“Who. Did. This.” His voice is lethal and the question seems more like a death sentence. He stands up and pivots towards the door he came from, where for the first time I notice two other guys. Their faces pale as he approaches.

“I told you not to hurt her, and what do you do? This!” Jeremy angrily gestures behind him, eyes still on the men. “So I’ll ask one more time. Who. Did. This.”

“It was me boss.” The skinny one on the left raises a shaky hand. “The chloroform wasn’t working fast enough and we had to get the hell outta there. I panicked and hit her on the back of the head with the butt of my gun.”

Gun? What? They had guns?! What happened to Austin and his pack?! Please tell me their okay! They have to be okay!

Before I could blink Jeremy pounced at the guy with his fists flying. The poor guy wouldn’t stand a chance. I’ve seen Jeremy angry but never like this. When I saw some blood spatter, I closed my eyes. That wasn’t much better though because I could still hear the sounds of flesh on flesh and bones crunching.

Then there was silence. I could hear subtle labored breathing and then Jeremy’s voice.

“You want to try and defy me too Warren?” I popped my eyes open warily, seeing that Jeremy was talking to the other shell-shocked guy now. Warren. I’ll have to remember that.

“No boss. I won’t. Sorry about Greg. He hit her before I could blink. I would have stopped him if I knew what he was doing.” Jeremy nods, “Your dismissed.” I hear Warren’s footsteps as he leaves me alone with the monster, who then turns his attention back to me.

“Sorry about that baby. He won’t hit you anymore.” There’s a wildness in his eyes that frightens me. “Now, where were we?” He smiles, the wild look still in his eyes, and saunters towards me.

He kneels down in front of me, and wraps the same hands that just drew blood from the guy on the floor around my neck. He pulls me in and before I know it, his lips are aggressively pressed against mine. I press them closed tightly, denying him entrance to my mouth and he growls, adding more pressure from both his lips and the hands around my neck. I whimper, trying to pull away, struggling to keep him from entering my mouth but also desperately needing air. He growls mistaking my whimper of pain for one of pleasure. My air supply finally empties forcing me to open my mouth.

He wastes no time forcing his way in, wrapping his tongue around mine, aggressively pressing into me, and biting my lip until I taste blood. He growls and moans in pleasure and I keep trying to pull away without success. Finally he must need air too and he pulls away, detaching himself from my swollen bloody lips.

“Never deny me access to your mouth again.” He snarls in warning, running a thumb across my bruised lower lip, and bringing it to his mouth.

“Where’s Austin? What did you-


White light flashes before my eyes. Numb. Sudden splintering eye-watering pain.

My head snaps all the way to the side from the blow. In shock I freeze with my face toward the wall. The numbness comes first, followed by the pain. I can already feel a bruise forming and know the whole left side of my face will be an angry shade of red and purple for the next couple of days. I can taste the metallic blood in my mouth.

“Never. Don’t you ever- never fucking ever say that fucking name. You are never to mention the name of the asshole that kissed and touched what’s mine. You will never see him again, and you can bet your ass he won’t be seeing you again. Hell, he won’t being seeing anyone again once I’m done with him.” Jeremy snarls, before grabbing my chin and turning me to face him. I cringe at the pain shooting from my face and jaw, but refuse to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he’s slowly breaking me.

“Do you understand me?” He questions. I can’t nod because he’s holding my head firmly in place. And I don’t want to speak because my sore jaw plus his grip on me would make it extremely painful. “Answer me!” his grip tightens and I whimper.

“Yes.” I whisper. “Yes I understand.”

“I don’t want to hurt you Camille. You just- you just have to listen to me, and stop fighting what we have. Stop fighting fate.” He reaches out a hand to my face again and I flinch, expecting him to make the right side of my face match the other. He frowns, and caresses my face despite my hesitation.

I turn away from him once his hand leaves my face.

“I’ll be back in a little while. I certainly hope, for your sake, you have a better attitude and that you decide to accept us because I will not allow you to disrespect me like you have been.” He grasps my chin again, turning me to him and presses another kiss to my bruised but firmly closed lips. He growls but releases me, standing up.

“Mark my words Camille. We will be marked and mated before the week is out.”

I hear his footsteps fade, hear the door slam, and let a lone tear slip.

Sorry for the wait. Hopefully this chapter satifies. More will come now that its summer!



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