Whatever happens seokjin and namjoon will always love their babies.


"We're here to see Dr. Martin," namjoon told the receptionist. She typed something inter her desktop before reaching for the phone. She talked quietly into the other end before smiling and hanging up. Namjoon called his family over and then the nice lady led them down a long hallway. Seokjin could hear a few baby cries and what he could only assume was mothers crying in relief, he hoped he would be crying in relief that day.

"Would you all like some refreshment? The doctor should be in, in a few minutes," seokjin asked for water and juice boxes. She nodded and left shortly after to get their drinks. Namjoon squeezed seokjin's hand comfortingly.

"Do you think this will be too much? I mean they're both seeing doctors today, shouldn't we give them a break in between?" seokjin worried. He had tried to clear his mind but as soon as they set foot in the building all his worries hit him full force.

"Honey we only have a limited amount of time here, i would've loved to give them time in between but unfortunately we can't," namjoon soothed. It was true, they only had about 3 days before they had to get their things ready and fly back home. Seokjin felt horrible for having the twins appointments the same day but they were on a time constraint and there wasn't much they could do. The nice lady from before came back and handed them their drink, seokjin drank his water quickly before gathering the twins in his lap. They happily nuzzled into their mama's chest and drink their juice.

"Hello im Dr. Martin," an older man greets them. He's got white hair but the kindest eyes, seokjin finds himself relaxing a little. They shake hands, the doctor even gives the kids small handshakes.

"So who should we look at first?" he asks quietly. Jimin has curled up tightly, seokjin knows he's afraid. Namjoon takes taehyung from seokjin's lap.

"This is jimin uh.. The doctors said his hearing isn't getting much better, they said it's almost completely gone and... i don't know, they don't tell us much, we just want answers," seokjin says. The doctor nods, writing a few things down before kneeling in front of jimin who's facing seokjin's chest, refusing to look at anyone.

"We like the children to be as comfortable as possible," he said as he got his equipment ready. Seokjin cradled jimin closer to him and hummed a song to calm him down. Jimin whimpered in his ear when the doctor got closer.

"Its okay my baby," seokjin kissed his chubby cheeks and held his tiny hands. Jimin surprisingly didn't cry, he just whimpered and tried to hide in seokjin's warm embrace. Namjoon took the kids out in the waiting room while the doctor checked jimin out.

"Well from what his files say and what i just checked it does seem as though most of his hearing is gone but his condition does not seem to be worsening," he smiled gently at seokjin while handing jimin a lollipop. Jimin sniffled and showed it off to seokjin who smiled. He was so grateful to hear this news. He felt tears come to his eyes but he blinked them away.

"Now with that being said, jimin could very well have full hearing capacity with hearing aids. Of course everyone is different but there is a very high chance that jimin will leave this room with excellent hearing," he told seokjin. This time he let a few tears slip as he held jimin close. This was such great news.

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