Nothing could get me down today. Not a single problem or accident. I was in love. I could resolve anything that came my way. Today, I was on top of the world.

I greeted all who passed me by, even if I had absolutely no clue who in the world they were. I said hello to the baker’s daughter, whose name, I had found out, was Margaret. I met a nice young man called Argen, whose mother was a seamstress for many of the royal court. I saw hordes of older friends, and then I saw Tessrach.

She was rushing through the town, holding a large wrapped package in her hands. Although she moved with the air of a woman confident and at rights in the world, her face displayed a completely different message. She looked angry.

Her blue eyes were narrowed and cinched in annoyance, and her lips were twisted into a frown. They darted around with more speed than what I had once been used to, taking everything in at a time. I grinned to her when she looked at me.

Instantly, her annoyed features transformed into those of surprise and happiness to see me. “Merlin!” Her voice peaked, instantly recognizable above the dim of the citizens. Without having to communicate it, she and I moved off to the side of the street to talk.

“Three hours after noon, remember? You left me waiting! I thought you were dead. Does Gwaine still want us together? I tried to tell him why it would never work,” She shrugged, “But he hits me as the type of guy who would never listen!”

I chuckled, wondering if it would be a norm to see my old friend around Camelot now. That would be amazing, honestly.

“You’re probably right. Gwiane’s all mouth and no ears,” I grinned again as Tessrach giggled,

“So where are you going, Merlin? You seem really happy… Well, happier than normal. So what’s up?” I grinned to Tessrach, who tilted her head curiously.

“I’m going to meet someone…” Would Arthur rather I kept a secret? But Tessrach was my best friend. Surely he wouldn’t mind my telling her.

“Tessrach, can you keep a secret?” I asked slowly, unsure about what I was going to do.

The girl glanced around quickly, brown curls bouncing, before she nodded and leaned in. “What is it?”

“Arthur and me,” I grinned, “We’re together now,” I thought something flashed in Tessrach’s eyes before she grinned.

“Really, Merlin? That’s so great! I had no idea you liked him!” Although Tessrach’s words meant well, she seemed somehow unhappy about the development. I didn’t know how I could tell, but she seemed almost… jealous.

Oh no. Oh, no, no, no, no… Not good! What if she…. What if she liked me? I didn’t want to make her feel bad, but I just bragged about being with Arthur! What if it made her feel bad? Oh no, I had no intentions to lower her self-worth.

“Uh, yeah!” What was I supposed to say? I couldn’t think of anything to make her feel better. With a short sigh, i decided it was best to just get out of there before causing more harm.

“I should get going now. Goodbye Tessrach.” Before she had a chance to reply, I left, silently cursing myself for stupid words.

I didn’t greet as many people on the remainder of my course to the stable. It wasn’t because I was running late. I still had quite a bit of time. It was more that I worried about Tessrach following me. I hated to make my friends sad, and Tessrach, although I hadn’t seen her in years, was no exception.

Walking into the stables, I grinned to see that Arthur had already arrived, his back towards me. He was in front of his horse, and appeared to be sorting something in the saddlebags.

Two Sides of The Same Coin (Merthur)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now