2. Amelia and Olivia

3. Clarice and Kazalie

4. Concetta and Sara Lee

5. Elma and Kayleigh

6. Lily and Shulin

7. Shauna and Nini

8. Serena and Miette

I can't believe it.

My partner for the baking theme performance is Miette.

"You can't be serious!" Miette complained. "Why am I paired up with her? We never worked together before!"

"Well, I just thought both of you have good chemistry with each other," Aria said happily.

"In what world do you think-"

"Miette, is it?" Palermo interrupted. "I can tell you're not on good terms with Serena. But if you don't learn how to cooperate with your fellow performers, then do you really think you have a chance to become Kalos Queen?"

"W-well, I..." she stuttered.

Miette stumbled over her words, not knowing how to answer Palermo's question.

"See? You can't even respond to my question," Palermo pointed out. "I've seen your performances before, but you need some improvement on your attitude."

"I... I apologize for my rude behavior, Miss Palermo," Miette said as she sat down.

"Now then, since I will be in charge of the competition, there are a few rules that you must follow regarding your assigned partner," Palermo started.

"First, you and your partner can only work together, not with other teams. Second, you and your partner share the stage together, don't take all the credit for yourself. And lastly, if you are intentionally sabotaging your fellow performers, you will be eliminated from the competition. And I'll know when I see it, so are we clear on that, girls?"

"Yes, ma'am!" we replied.


(Ash's POV)

In Clemont's laboratory, Greninja and I had a battle with Gary and his Blastoise to see if they can trigger Greninja's transformation.

"Damn, I wanted to check out Greninja's transformation, but even we can't do it," Gary sighed disappointingly

"I guess it doesn't happen everyday. And we don't know why it happens either, so..." I looked at Greninja.

All of the sudden, there was a buzzing sound from the laboratory's intercom.

"Oh, I guess someone's here," Clemont said as he turned off Clembot Mini.

Clemont picked up the speaker and answered.

"Hello, Clemont? It's Alain. I'm sorry if I'm disturbing you from your work, but I would like to have a word with you."

"I don't mind, but I have guests right now."

When I realized Clemont was talking with Alain, I grabbed the speaker from Clemont.

"Ash, what are yo-" Clemont stopped.

"Alain!" I shouted through the intercom. "I know this is kind of sudden, but let's have a battle!"

I didn't get an immediate response from Alain and Gary pulled me away from the speaker.

"Ash!" Gary scolded. "Just because you defeated Alain once, doesn't mean you can challenge him whenever you want."

"No, I think he can help us trigger Greninja's transformation," I stated.

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