Friends? (Crona x Weapon!Reader)

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Anime: Soul Eater


(A/N: A million apologies for not writing this earlier! Also, I haven't watched the anime in a while, but from what I remember they refer to Crona as a male so that's the gender I wrote him in.)

You weren't really known around your school. As a shy weapon who didn't have a meister, you mostly just tried to get through school with good enough grades that ensured that you didn't get expelled. You were sure that one day you'll find someone who would be a perfect match, so you weren't too worried. After all, if a weapon in a much lower class than you could find three meisters, there had to be one for you. 

Although you studied and worked at your schoolwork meticulously, you also tried to mix some fun into the mix. That's how you met Maka, actually. She came to a meeting of the club that you had set up called, "Club for Those Who Want to Balance Out Fun and Work." Yeah, you had to work on the name. 

Either way, the club was obviously a success since you met Maka, and through her, Tsubaki. The three of you bonded quite well, even though your friendship mainly consisted of studying and doing homework. That's kind of what you're doing today, actually. You agreed to do a mock battle with Maka and her friend, Crona. You had heard a lot of him and were quite excited to finally meet him, Maka had told you that you had a lot in common. You were hoping that maybe he could even be your meister, since from what you understood he didn't have a weapon. 

So that's how you ended up here, in the mock arena, staring at one of the cutest people you'd ever met in your life. You didn't believe in love at first sight, but crush at first sight was definitely on your list of realistic fantasies. You hoped that he was at least half as nice as he looked. 

"Y/N, this is Crona. Crona, this is Y/N." Maka introduced. 

"Hello." You said warmly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind you ear, which was a habit of yours when you became nervous. Since you were shy and socially awkward, that was often. 

"Hi." Crona replied, not quite making eye contact. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too! Maka's told me a lot about you." You said quickly. 

"I don't want to be that person, but I think that our turn in the MA is, like, now." Soul cut in. He, of course, wasn't up for hanging out with his meister's shy and nerdy friend who only ever studied, but when he heard that they were going to be going to the MA, he decided that Y/N was worth dealing with if he got to battle some fake Keshins. 

Maka rolled her eyes but nodded her head. "Yeah, we better get going. Soul and I will run up ahead and clock us in." She told the group before running off towards the teacher's table. 

You started to lead Crona towards the entrance. "So, do you have a weapon, Crona?" You asked, hoping to hear a no.

"Yeah, well, kind of." He replied. "What about you?" 

"Oh I'm a weapon." You explained. "But I don't have a meister, which I guess makes me a little useless in battle." 

"Then why are you here?" Crona asked bluntly, before seeing the look of shock on your face. "Oh, I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!" He apologized frantically. 

You laughed quietly before saying, "No, no, it's fine. I'm just not used to being asked so bluntly. I'm not really sure why Maka invited me, to be honest." 

"I mean, what can a weapon do without a meister? Just lay around on the ground?" Crona asked. 

You laughed loudly this time. "Pretty much." You told him. "The most I can do is stub someone's toe. Although, I've heard that more powerful weapons can fight on their own."

"That's interesting." Crona said. 

"Yeah." You said.

'Maybe in our mutual social awkwardness we can communicate?'   

"Hey, wait up!" Maka yells from behind. "We have the pass to get in!" 

You turn around and wave. Your inner instincts tell you that you should grab Crona and run in order to frustrate Soul, but you hold back. The weapon and meister catch up to you and you enter the arena.

-Time Skip-        

Soul and Maka had for some reason decided to choose the highest difficulty, and that had been their undoing. They and Crona had defeated all of the minor Keshins, running back to you, who had set up a mini "healers" station, but when they engaged the major Keshin, a single hit knocked them out of the simulation as "dead" and injured Crona. 

"I told them that they should've filled their health back up before engaging, no." You mumbled as you fixed up Crona. "They had to charge in with less than 10%."

"Don't worry, I'm sure that we'll be able to take care of him." Crona assured you. "After all there must be a reason why you haven't been expelled before now." 

You smiled at him. "Yeah, but the problem is that once I enter the battle, the healers station will be disbanded, so we'll have to work with what we have. And a single hit take out 40% of your health."
"So since I only have 75% and we can't fill it up anymore, two hits and I'm out?" Crona asked.

"Yep." You replied, leaning against the "tree" next to you. 

"But you still have 100%, Y/N!" Crona realized.

"Well, yeah, but what use is a weapon lying on the-" You started, before making your own realization. "Crona, you could wield me! I can take up to three hits and I'm sure that you'd be able to use me to block yourself from being hit."

"Er, but Y/N, I already have a weapon..." Crona said hesitantly. 

"So? You're still a meister." You said. "And I'm a weapon. In fact, I'm actually a sword, just like your weapon. We have to at least see if we're compatible. There's no other way to win without giving up the arena, and you can lose extra credit points for doing that!" You stressed, determination filling you from thinking about the extra credit points that you could gain. 

"O-Okay." He said. "Let's try, then."

You smiled and transformed. Crona hesitantly picked you up before saying, "You're really light." 

"That means that you can wield me," You told him. "Now go!"

-Time Skip-

"It was so cool that you two thought of using Y/N!" Maka complimented once you got out of the arena, having completed it just in time. 

"Well, I wasn't about to give up extra credit points." You said, blushing. "It really wasn't a big deal, meisters use weapons all the time." 

Maka laughed. "I guess you're kind of right. Anyway, Soul and I have to go. See you tomorrow!" She said, dragging Soul out behind her. 

"Bye!" You said before turning to Crona. "Do you want to get something to eat?" You asked him.

"What, er, why, e what?" He asked.

"Because you're my friend." You answered. 


"I mean, considering that you're the first person who's ever used me as a weapon in battle, I think that counts for something. Besides, a friend of Maka's is a friend of mine." You told him happily, holding out your hand to shake. 

"Friends?" You asked.

"Friends." He replied, shaking your hand.

'One day, hopefully we'll be more than that.' 

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